1976 - Initial fish tissue sampling in PA Resulted in first consumption “advisory” 1976 –79 – Additional special studies Resulted in first Do Not Eat advice.


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Presentation transcript:

Initial fish tissue sampling in PA Resulted in first consumption “advisory” 1976 –79 – Additional special studies Resulted in first Do Not Eat advice for certain waters PCBs in excess of 5.0 mg/kg FDA Action Level 1979 – 80 – Began routine, statewide fish tissue monitoring Whole fish samples Began fillet and whole fish sampling at half the sampling stations to provide data to evaluate health impacts HISTORY

PA Interagency Agreement Advisory issuance by interagency workgroup PA Dept of Health PFBC DEP (then DER) Agriculture recently added They regulate the aquaculture industry Industry was concerned with advisory issuance for PFBC hatchery trout HISTORY

Great Lakes Toxic Substances Control Agreement Called for common fish consumption advisories Great Lakes Sport Fish Consumption Advisory Protocol final Health, PFBC, and DEP endorse protocol Protocol applied to L. Erie & Presque Isle Bay Protocol applied statewide Provides meal-specific consumption advice Protects sensitive endpoint


PCBs IN HATCHERY TROUT 1985 – First sample of PFBC hatchery trout for tissue analysis “Control” sample for statewide PCB study PCB in rainbow trout fillets was 0.17 mg/kg Not of concern - using FDA Action Level of 2.0 mg/kg 1 meal/week under Great Lakes Protocol

PCBs IN HATCHERY TROUT 1998 – Tissue samples collected from four PFBC hatcheries (1 composite of 5 fish) Concern that some anglers and their families were eating large amounts of stocked trout Some reported catching and keeping 100 or more stocked trout Data showed variable concentrations of PCB 3 samples were not of concern 1 warranted a 1 meal/month advisory

PCBs IN HATCHERY TROUT 1999 – 8 of 9 trout hatcheries sampled (5 fish) Data variable Advisories issued for some fall-stocked fish 2000 – All 9 hatcheries sampled 5 samples of 8 fish, proportioned, 45 total, random 1 hatchery at 1 meal/week 1 hatchery at 1 meal/month (same one as in 1998)

PCBs IN HATCHERY TROUT 2001 – April 11 Statewide 1 meal/week advisory issued All recreationally-caught sport fish Applies to hatchery trout once released 2001 – All 9 hatcheries sampled Same randomized, proportional design No advisories beyond 1 meal/week needed

PCBs IN HATCHERY TROUT 2002 –All 8 trout hatcheries sampled 5 samples of 8 fish proportioned Statistical data evaluation Upper confidence limit from a 1-tail test used to determine need for advisories Same hatchery again warranted 1 meal/month advisory