Bologna-Forli, November 2015 The Resilience Management in Kazakhstan. State of art for didactical and research perspectives. Dr.Meruyert Narenova
University of International Business Resilience Introduction: Resilience Management is a new approach which becomes one of the priorities in the context of high turbulent global economic, natural and cultural environment
University of International Business Resilience key importance: Direct influence on sustainable development of society
University of International Business CONCEPT &THEORY of RESILIENCE MANAGEMENT: MULTIDISCIPLINARY BACKGROUND as a fusion of ideas from multiple disciplinary traditions including ecosystem stability (Holling, traditions including ecosystem stability (Holling, 1973; Gunderson, 2009); 1973; Gunderson, 2009); engineering infrastructure (Tierney and engineering infrastructure (Tierney and Bruneau, 2007), psychology (Lee et al., 2009); Bruneau, 2007), psychology (Lee et al., 2009); the behavioural sciences (Norris, 2011); the behavioural sciences (Norris, 2011); disaster risk reduction (Cutter et al., 2008). disaster risk reduction (Cutter et al., 2008).
University of International Business RMin the socio-ecological context: RM in the socio-ecological context:
University of International Business KEY TERMS OF RM:
University of International Business RM: REGIONAL DIMENSION
University of International Business KEY INDICATORS : CENTRAL ASIA Country Territory, Population(bl n.) GDP(bln,$) Rank on GDP GDP/per capita,$ Kazakhstan2,724,90017, Kyrgyzstan199,9005, Tadjikistan143,1006, Turkmenistan491,2005, Uzbekistan447, 40027, Total 62,
University of International Business UIB : internationalization Integration with foreign universities Integration with foreign universities Academic mobility Joint Programs Research projects
University of International Business RM: ARAL SEA CATASTROPHE 1.One of the gravest global environmental disasters of modern times is the tragedy of the Aral Sea facing the countries of Central Asia and their population of about 60 million; 2.Its environmental, climatic, socioeconomic and humanitarian consequences make it a direct threat to sustainable development in the region, and to the health, gene pool and future of the people living there.
University of International Business RM: ARAL SEA CATASTROPHE
University of International Business RM: ARAL SEA CATASTROPHE Background: 1.Until 1960, the Aral Sea was one of the largest closed bodies of water in the world. It was 426 km long and 284 km wide, with an area of 68,900 square km, a volume of water of 1,083 cubic km, and a maximum depth of 68 m. 2.The Aral Sea was among the richest fisheries in the world: 30,000 to 35,000 tonnes of fish were caught annually in the waters of the Aral Sea region. 3.More than 80 per cent of those living along the Aral Sea shore were employed in catching, processing and transporting fish and fish products. 4.The fertile lands of the Amu Darya and Syr Darya deltas and the rich grazing lands provided employment for more than 100,000 people in livestock rearing, poultry breeding and raising agricultural crops.
University of International Business Over the past 50 years, the total outlow from rivers into the Aral Sea has fallen almost 4.5 times, to an average of 12.7 cubic km. The area of the sea's surface is ten times smaller than it was, and the water volume has decreased by more than a factor of 13. The water level, which until 1960 had reached a maximum of 53.4 m, has fallen by 29 m. Salinity has increased by more than 13 to 25 times and is now 7 to 11 times higher than the average mineralizaon of the world's oceans RM: ARAL SEA CATASTROPHE
University of International Business RM: ARAL SEA CATASTROPHE
University of International Business RM: ARAL SEA CATASTROPHE International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea (IFAS) founded and approved on 29 April 2009 by UN Includes several consequent programs on sustainable development
University of International Business By 2015 only small part of the Aral Sea – North By 2015 only small part of the Aral Sea – North Aral has chance to survive. It belongs to Aral has chance to survive. It belongs to Kazakhstani territory and clear signs of Kazakhstani territory and clear signs of recovering ecosystem and reviving traditional recovering ecosystem and reviving traditional industries like fishering etc industries like fishering etc RM: ARAL SEA RECOVERING
University of International Business RM: ARAL SEA RECOVERING
University of International Business RM: ARAL SEA rja&uact=8&ved=0CCQQtwIwAmoVChMIw57fhouLyQIVaOFyCh3yoQ- k& AFQjCNFVCHjHny8mnVFuH4CnPDOPpplL4Q =rja&uact=8&ved=0CDgQtwIwBDgKahUKEwj07N2_iIvJAhVkj3IKHeynC6w&url=https O3B3Y8h14jlvWMsNIC7Qe-ngrw
University of International Business CASE STUDY: ASSEMBLEY of People of Kazakhstan An important element of the political system of Kazakhstan, strengthens interests of all ethnic groups, to ensure the strict observe of the rights and freedoms of citizens irrespective of their ethnic affiliation became the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan, created March 1st An important element of the political system of Kazakhstan, strengthens interests of all ethnic groups, to ensure the strict observe of the rights and freedoms of citizens irrespective of their ethnic affiliation became the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan, created March 1st, 1995 on the initiative of the President of the country N.A. Nazarbayev, 1995 on the initiative of the President of the country N.A. Nazarbayev
University of International Business CASE STUDY: ASSEMBLEY of People of Kazakhstan Activities of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan is aimed at implementation of the state national policy, ensuring socio-political stability in the country and improving the efficiency of cooperation between state institutions and civil society in the sphere of interethnic relations.
University of International Business CASE STUDY: ASSEMBLEY of People of Kazakhstan
University of International Business CASE STUDY: Cultural Heritage in Central Asia Central Asia has very rich cultural history and heritage; Central Asia has very rich cultural history and heritage; It should be considered as key resource for sustainable development It should be considered as key resource for sustainable development
University of International Business CASE STUDY: Cultural Heritage in Central Asia Central Asia faces many challenges due to political, economic, social and other risk factors; Central Asia faces many challenges due to political, economic, social and other risk factors; Cultural heritage should be saved and serve for better future of CA nations Cultural heritage should be saved and serve for better future of CA nations
University of International Business 1.Resilience Management is an integrating concept that allows multiple risks, shocks and stresses and their impacts on ecosystems and vulnerable people to be considered together in the context of development programming; 2. Resilience also highlights slow drivers of change that influence systems and the potential for non-linearity and transformation processes. RESILIENCE MANAGEMENT:CONCLUSIONS
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