„You Are Not Alone“ Seminar ”Regional Economic Development and Air Access to Heathrow and Gatwick”, London, May 4, 2004 Hartmut Beyer, SEAPLANE Project.


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Presentation transcript:

„You Are Not Alone“ Seminar ”Regional Economic Development and Air Access to Heathrow and Gatwick”, London, May 4, 2004 Hartmut Beyer, SEAPLANE Project Co-ordination, UNICONSULT Universal Transport Consulting GmbH, Hamburg

Why am I here… ? ____________________________________________________________________________________ UNICONSULT May 2004 UNICONSULT is a transport consulting company, engaged, i.a., in air transport Contributed to the SEABIRD project (airports BSR) Co-ordinate the SEAPLANE Project on behalf of EU Regions (i.a. objective 1 and 2 areas) The Highland Council including Inverness Airport (HIAL) are in the focus of one SEAPLANE project activity All project partners (regions) were/ are looking for improved accessibility by air

The SEAPLANE Project (1) ____________________________________________________________________________________ UNICONSULT May regional authorities of 6 countries brought in 21 airports, 7 airlines Budget 1,4 mEuro execution SEAPLANE project’s aim: Development of regions by strengthening the air transport network and its airports EU INTERREG III B ( NSR), objectives i.a.: economic and social cohesion (requires improved accessibility of peripheral regions), sustainable (economic) development,...

The SEAPLANE Project (2) ____________________________________________________________________________________ UNICONSULT May 2004 Objectives To improve the regional airports’ efficiency, economic sustainability to fulfil their regional spatial, ecological and social-economic function To identify new passenger market potentials and to support the implementation of air travel needs to and from peripheral areas and implement new air routes for better accessibility of regions, To develop concepts for implementation of EU airport safety and security requirements To improve the trans-national co-operation and information exchange between region’s, airport’s and airline’s representatives To analyse interdependencies between air transport and the region’s socio-economic and spatial structure Output: SEAPLANE Resolution

The SEAPLANE Resolution (1) ____________________________________________________________________________________ UNICONSULT May 2004 Conclusions out of the SEAPLANE Project 1Regional airports constitute an important element in regional economic development as they contribute added value to regional economies located in peripheral regions. 2 Regional airports provide the crucial infrastructure necessary to secure the lifeline air services and to ensure a region’s accessibility to and from national and international economic centres is maintained. 3 Linking airports of peripheral regions to national and international network airports with sufficient frequency to offer suitable interlining opportunities facilitates the EU policy objectives of social and economic cohesion, spatial development, and improvement of regional competitiveness. 4The current process of slot allocation at congested EU national and international network airports hinders the retention and development of air services to and from peripheral regions at adequate levels of frequency and service, and at acceptable schedules.

The SEAPLANE Resolution (2) ____________________________________________________________________________________ UNICONSULT May 2004 Request to establish policies for the implementation of following measures 1. Amendment of the existing slot allocation rules at co-ordinated EU national and international network airports to ensure that existing services to peripheral regional airports can be retained and developed, and new (or previously served) routes encouraged to operate. 2. Revision of the rules for Public Service Obligations (PSO) to ensure the continuity of regional air services to peripheral areas 3. The provision of start-up aid, such as is provided by route development funds, for the inauguration of new regional air routes from peripheral regions, including access to network airports, and for promoting non-road and inter modal transport links 4. The development and monitoring of EU policies to ensure the provision of sufficient runway capacity and the optimum use of existing runways at European network airports in order to secure and increase access for existing or future regional air services to peripheral regional airports.

The SEAPLANE Resolution (3) ____________________________________________________________________________________ UNICONSULT May 2004 Resolution 13 regional authorities EC DG TREN, Direction F, Airport Policy DG Regio EU Aviation Associations EU Political Transport Institutions EU Political Institutions MEP EU Parliament CPMR CoR NSC AEAACIERA April 04 Sep 04

Example: Use of PSO at Rostock-Laage Airport, Region Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (D) ____________________________________________________________________________________ UNICONSULT May 2004 Objective 1 area: ‘developing’ economic power, low accessibility, high unemployment rate,.. Initiative from airport and regional companies towards regional Ministry for Economy RLG-FRA with good pax potential but slot restricted, alternative route RLG-MUC was tendered in 2002, Cirrus Airline (Team Lufthansa) won 3 mEuro for two years, prolongation required in 2004 results: good start, today challenges due to low cost carriers serving Berlin-Munich (20’ -> 16’ pax p.a.)

One Idea…. ____________________________________________________________________________________ UNICONSULT May 2004 INTERREG III C project idea “EUROPLANE” similar like SEAPLANE (involves Regional Authorities, Airports, Airlines) focus on:(i) airports in peripheral EU regions, (ii) interdependencies airport-region, (iii) airport business development...to remind the EU Commission about their responsibility towards peripheral regions by using their EU INTERREG III C Program

Peripheral Regions in Europe ____________________________________________________________________________________ UNICONSULT May 2004