Life in Nazi Germany What is the WORD?
To be able to recall how life changed for women and young people in Nazi Germany
Which is the odd one out? Read the 3 pieces of information and circle the one you think is the odd one out.
What do you think is meant by…
The role of women in Germany Weimar GermanyNazi Germany Freedom to vote Not allowed to go to university Complete this diagram
Women in Nazi Germany Write a sentence to explain the following terms for women in Nazi Germany : Looks Employment Rewards Marriage loans Lebensborn
How did education change under the Nazis? Complete the heads and tails exercise.
BOYSGIRLS Write down as many subjects that were taught in Nazi Germany
How did the Nazis affect the life of Young people? In pairs, complete the worksheet.
Youth movements had been popular in Germany for a long time, particularly during the Weimar Period. They usually involved hiking, singing folk songs, camping and sport. Churches or political groups ran most of these movements. The Nazis had formed their own organisation, the Hitler Youth (HJ), in Its aims were To indoctrinate children with Nazi ideology To make them feel part of a mass movement To prepare them for a military future
Boys 10 – 14 Years Old Deutsches Jungvolk – DJ (Pimpfen) German Young People (Cubs) Girls 10 – 14 Years Old Jungmadelbund – JM League of Young Girls Boys Years Old Hitler Jugend – HJ Hitler Youth Girls Years Old Bund Deutscher Madel – BDM League of German Maidens The Hitler Youth (HJ) was formed in 1926 and by ,000 youths between the ages of 10 and 18 had joined.
, million million million million Figures showing membership of the Hitler Youth How do you account for the rapid growth in membership of the Hitler Youth? It may be worth noting that the total number of year olds in Germany in 1939 was 8.9 million.
Many young people liked the feeling of importance – the uniform, the respect, the adoration… Lots of youths wanted to listen to Jazz, try out new fashions and hair styles, smoke and drink alcohol. All of these activities were banned in The Hitler Youth Many young people enjoyed the excitement of the HJ – camping, hiking, weapons training… Alternative youth groups sprang up across Germany – e.g. The Edelweiss Pirates, The Navajos Gang, The Kittelbach Pirates… Many youths disliked the strict regimentation – being told what to do and when to do it Alternative youth groups ambushed Hitler Youth patrols and beat them up. Some girls resented the fact that they were ‘trained’ to be housewives and mothers at such a young age. Lots of youths resented the fact that their old clubs and youth groups were banned How did young people within Germany react to the HJ?