CONFIDENTIAL 1 Grouper 3.0 Overview April 2007
CONFIDENTIAL 2 Grouper 3.0 Opportunity Number of Videos in the Category “Hollywood” ContentViral Video Number of Viewers The Opportunity High quality content viewed by many Less viral and offers less variety than UGV Combine the viral nature of user-generated video with the quality of “Hollywood” content Unlimited variety of content Highly viral Lacks quality of traditional studio content
CONFIDENTIAL 3 Grouper 3.0 Overview Leverage the best of breed editorial and technology to surface the most appealing content Acquire and produce viral vides to populate Grouper’s core channels Engage users and partners to build a meaningful pathway to fame Syndicate Grouper channels across Grouper’s large & growing global video network Build a global video ad network by leveraging Sony TV sales and rep firms
CONFIDENTIAL 4 Recent Updates Built the Foundation for a Channel-based Service Home Page At Acquisition: Immersed Users in a Wide Variety of User Generated Video Home Page Today: Presents Editorialized Content on a Channel Basis Video wall cycled through a mix of user submitted videos Home Page Emphasizes Featured Channels
CONFIDENTIAL 5 Grouper 3.0 Builds on the Channel Model with Programmed Content for Well-defined Verticals “Sound Check” Example of a Premium Grouper 3.0 Channel Focused on Independent Music Users can browse through multiple channels at any time
CONFIDENTIAL 6 Programming Strategy Channel-based Programming Content Pyramids Fame Partnerships Tap into passionate content communities –Attract content creators –Engage audience to rate videos Organize content for easy browsing and discovery Create context for users to submit videos based on channel themes Lend credibility to channels Attract users by providing opportunities to become famous Provide an editorial voice as a “tastemaker” for the channel Generate marketing & PR Offer content syndication opportunities Provide high quality editorial Bridge the gap between independent and professional videos Create a path to recognition for content creators Encourage users to interact by ranking videos and creating playlists Award cash prizes to “People’s Choice” winners
CONFIDENTIAL 7 Channel-based Programming Launch in June with 7 Premium and 10 Basic Channels Expand to 15 of each by December Premium Basic “The Best Content That’s Not on Television” Seize a new programming opportunity unavailable to broadcast television Evolve traditional UGV by using programming “pyramids” Brand channels with a strong point-of-view “Contextualized User-Generated Video” Organize UGV and third-party content into channels based on entertainment genres Differentiate through editorial voice, multi- platform distribution and path to recognition Sample Channel Concepts Action Sports – Skate, surf, ride Citizen Journalism – News, opinions Travel – Stories, insights, guides Sample Channel Concepts Spoof and Sketch – sketch comedy and spoof busting Wicked Animation – not Disney Sound Check – Unsigned bands rise to fame Tony to Update
CONFIDENTIAL 8 Spoof Central The Internet is awash with spoofs. Spoof Central will be the premier destination. Sony Pictures Television, The Onion, Mad TV, National Lampoons, SNL In The Office Passion center for all things office humor. The cult of the film "Office Space" coupled with the popularity of the "The Office" Steve Carrel, Ricky Gervais, Dilbert, Mike Judge, Office Space SoundCheck Video magazine covering independent music. Band focus. Sony BMG, Spin Magazine, Rolling Stone, Clear Channel WTF WTF is the sketch comedy the SNL guys really want to do, but can't on network TV Sony Pictures Television, SCTV, Groundlings, Late Night Talk Shows Wicked Animation Short-form, edgy animation. Sony Pictures Imageworks, Animax, ILM, Pixar, Lucas Films Get Mortified “The place to post your past". Assets will be used for video "Shoebox" and "Shortbus" TBD The Line-Up From nationally touring comics to amateur Christopher Walken impersonations. Late Night Talk Shows, Comedy Clubs (Improv, Laugh Factory, The Cellar) Grouper 3.0 Premium Channels* and Fame Partners *Channel list is being finalized ShowConceptPotential Fame Partners Tony to Update
CONFIDENTIAL 9 Fame Partners Persons or companies with expertise / recognition within a specific content channel on Grouper –Persons should have access to compelling ad inventory (e.g., TV spots) –Companies should have an online presence with desire to integrate Grouper Who Are They? Lend credence to Grouper channel and generate marketing/PR buzz Drive incremental traffic and high quality uploads Access to new syndication opportunities Purpose Offer use of likeness, name, brand to channel Provide high profile “celebrity access” path to fame opportunities to at least one content creator on a monthly basis Integrate Grouper into partner’s existing online site in a highly visible manner Cross-platform promotion of Grouper channel throughout the year (e.g., TV spots) Use admin tool to select “Weekly Partner Picks” which will be promoted as featured videos on the Channel Page Record teaser video clips to use as promotion for channel Maintain high quality profile pages Attend at least 4 events per year sponsored by Grouper Partner Commitments
CONFIDENTIAL 10 Fame Partner Integration Fame Partner offers users exposure in mainstream media Fame Partner Assists with Editorial, Provides a Subset of Content, and Content Selection Fame Partner branding incorporated into channel
CONFIDENTIAL 11 Pyramid Programming Integrates Editorial, Partners, and a Path to Fame Produced episodes co-branded with Spin Editorial and feature selection managed with input from Spin Clips from Spin Grouper produced Third party clips Licensed content User generated Sample programming pyramid for “Soundcheck” with Spin Magazine as a Fame Partner & Tastemaker “The Fray” All Videos Uploaded to Channel “Featured” Editorially Chosen Videos Spotlight Video
CONFIDENTIAL 12 Awards Offer Additional Recognition and Engage Users People’s Choice Mix of awards granted by editors, partners, and audience Site allows users to feature their awards in playlists and user profiles Tastemaker Status Editor’s Pick / Featured Video Awarded monthly to the most viewed video on each channel Awarded to featured videos on each channel as selected by Grouper editorial staff and / or Fame Partners Awarded to users with most popular video playlists Leaderboard Rankings Awarded to featured videos on each channel as selected by Grouper editorial staff and / or Fame Partners
CONFIDENTIAL 13 Grouper: A Global Video Network Grouper’s global video network allows us to seamlessly push channels and videos to an audience of millions Videos shared on grouper are visible across hundreds of sites –Syndication deals with leading social networks Hi5, Piczo and Bebo –Expanding the network with AOL, Sprint, MSN, iTunes and other portals to increase reach –Pioneering one-click publishing feature to allow anyone watching a Grouper video to easily publish to social networks and blogs Grouper video can be seen on multiple platforms –Branded channel on Bravia TVs –Bundled with PSP firmware and all Sony VAIOs starting in May –PS3’s high profile effort, Home, will feature video from Grouper –In talks with the Sony camera and camcorder division to power sharing across devices Network should reach almost 250mm streams per month by mid-summer; once Grouper syndication deals are fully launched
CONFIDENTIAL 14 Cross-Sony Partnerships Marketing Distribution Partners User Driven “1 Click” Grouper Video Network Partners Digital Imaging Power video uploads Embed screensaver and software Users syndicate playlists via embedded player Embed Grouper player on partner sites Distribute content “pyramids” Purchase advertising on high traffic web sites Drive users back to
CONFIDENTIAL 15 The Embedded Player Allows the Grouper Experience to Be Syndicated Across Partners Consistent Branding Common Features - Awards - Ranking - Playlists Watch this video on Add to Hi5 Profile Add a video comment to this video
CONFIDENTIAL 16 Grouper 3.0 Next Steps Finalize channels for launch and begin to seed those channels with original content Negotiate short-form agreements with potential fame partners Finalize site redesign and feature development Continue to expand Grouper syndication network / partnerships Expand advertising to include new 3.0 opportunities