Webinar Auditor Qualification
“To be the world’s leading, independent, GFSI recognized, ISO based food safety and quality management system for the entire food supply chain.” Mission FSSC 22000
Auditor qualification and competence is essential for the integrity of the FSSC certification scheme. Auditor qualification and competence The CB is responsible for qualifying the auditor and monitoring the maintenance of the qualification of the auditor.
FSSC scheme document Part II, Appendix II A1, section 1, section 2 and section 3. Basic elements: (first) Qualification of the auditor FSSC 22000, Part II, Appendix II A1, section 2 Auditor CV (experience) FSSC 22000, Part II, Appendix II A1, section 1 and 3 Auditor training log FSSC 22000, Part II, Appendix II A1, section 2 Auditor audit log FSSC 22000, Part II, Appendix II A1, section 2 and GFSI Guidance Part II, section 3.4 Auditor witness audit ISO 17021:2011, clause Enter Manufactures Auditor qualification and competence
GFSI Guidance document Part II, section 3.4; ISO 17021:2011, section 7; ISO 22003:2007, section ISO ISO guide 65 FSSC 22000, Part II, Appendix II A1, sections 1, 2 and 3. Enter Manufactures Applicable standards
Packaging: WPO recognized training. Feed: Experience with Feed and specific sectors of feed production. Animal production: Bioscience and specific experience with animal production. Additional requirements
CB instruments at its disposal Training (courses) Supervised practical training Witnessing / observation Exams Procedure for qualifying auditors and maintaining qualification
Document not older than 3 years, signed by the appointed supervisor of the CB, showing that the auditor is qualified for FSSC and Food Chain Categories. Auditor Qualification document
First qualification Previous auditor experience Specific auditor competence Training Specific knowledge of FSSC requirements Supervised training in practical assessment Documented sign-off
Maintenance of qualification Re-established every three year Documented sign-off Evaluation of all the auditor preformance of the past three years At least one witness audit Proof of maintenance of scheme and category knowledge
A document showing evidence of continuous and recent training. This evidence may be e.g. a relevant training course, case study meeting organized by the CB, e-learning, documented self-study activity etc. Auditor Training log
A document showing the GFSI recognized audits carried out by the auditor. Twelve months sequence. Preferably FSSC audits. Auditor Audit log
ISO 17021, clause states that the certification body shall periodically observe the performance of each auditor on-site. FSSC is of the opinion that a minimum of one on-site observation (witness audit) of a GFSI recognized audit must be preformed every three years. Auditor witness audit
Qualifying witness audit One witness audit every three years Preferably an FSSC witness audit An ISO witness audit is allowed for the first qualification A GFSI recognized witness audit is allowed. Additional evaluation of knowledge of FSSC scheme requirements. Auditor witness audit
FSSC requires that all documents are dated and authorized (signed) by the appointed supervisor of the CB. Auditor competence and qualification is one of the focus points of the FSSC Integrity Program.
IP Top 5 Non-conformities 1.CB Management of FSSC requirements 2.Auditor qualification (first and re-qualification) 3.Auditor training log (5 GFSI audits) 4.Scope wording 5.Use of technical experts Also NCs on topics like multisite, outsourcing and audit type (recertification - surveillance) The non-conformities with regard to auditor competence and qualification are mainly due to CBs management and procedures.
The certification body shall register qualified auditors with the Foundation and update the register at least once a year: Competence assessment Initial and continuous training Auditor experience (5 on-site GFSI recognized audits) Witness audit Enter date on which the documents (evidence) were reviewed and accepted by the appointed supervisor of the CB. Auditor Database
The audit reports uploaded in the audit data summary are automatically registered in the auditor audit experience. This automatically creates an auditor FSSC audit log.
Tricks to maintain auditor qualification Auditors who do not meet FSSC scheme requirements for auditor competence and qualification We do not encourage the use of technical experts in audit teams Enter Manufactures We do not accept
Personel who take the decision on granting certification The certification body shall ensure that the personnel who take the decision on granting certification have the same education, training, audit training and work experience as requested for an auditor in one category. ISO 22003:2007, clause The group or individual that takes the decision on granting, maintaining, renewing, extending, reducing, suspending or withdrawing certification shall understand the applicable standard and certification requirements, and shall have demonstrated competence to evaluate the audit processes and related recommendations of the audit team. ISO 17021:2011, clause ISO 17021:2011, Table A.1
The auditor is out there doing his job. We all depend on the professional judgement of the auditor. Competence and qualification is the key to auditor and scheme success. Keep in mind
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