NSS GEOGRAPHY Curriculum & Assessment
Assessment Paper I (70%) 7 compulsory topics Paper II (30%) 2 elective topics Duration2.5 hours1 hour ScopeCompulsory PartElective Part Section / Question type A.40 MC (22%) B.2 DBQ (36%) C.1 Short essay (12%) D. 1 DBQ (18%) E. 1 Short essay (12%) NO school based assessment!!!
7 Compulsory Topics
1. Opportunities & Risks Is it rational to live in hazard-prone areas? Tsunami Volcanic eruption WHERE do these hazards occur? WHY do they occur? HOW and WHY do the impact of these hazards vary greatly from place to place? WHY do people still live in hazard-prone areas?
2. Managing River & coastal environments HOW does water shape our rivers and coasts? HOW can human activities influence the river and coastal environments? HOW to manage rivers & coasts in a sustainable way? reclamation
3.Changing industrial location WHY do industrial location changes through time? HOW do research & development affect industrial location lately? HK factories in 1960s Globalization in industries
4. Building a sustainable city WHY do conflicts arise in economic development? How to strike a balance between economic development and environmental conservation? conservation Economic Development
5. Combating Famine Is technology a panacea for food shortage? Obesity in MDCs Food shortage in LDCs To what extent is famine a naturally or human induced disaster. How far can farming technology combating food shortage? Technology??? Intellectual aid???
6. Disappearing green canopy WHY do tropical rain forests under threat? HOW does deforestation affect nature & man? HOW to have a sustainable forest management?
7. Global Warming Is it a fact or fiction? WHAT is the evidence for global warming? TO WHAT EXTENT is global warming an actual climate change or a long term climatic fluctuation. How can man save the environment?
2 Elective Topics
Dynamic Earth:The building of HK WHAT are the processes that shape the earth / physical landscape of Hong Kong? HOW to manage geological resources and geological hazards? landslides Weathering Erosion Hong Kong formed by rare supervolcano eruption SCMP (31/8/2012)
Weather & Climate WHY does climate vary with location? HOW does climate influence human activities? HOW do human activities modify climate? Flooding
Field trips
Stephen Hui Geological Museum
Shek O
Yuen Long Industrial Centres
Mai Po Nature Reserve
River Study on Lantau Island
Urban Renewal in Wanchai
Mirror’s Pool & Bride’s Pool