Mike Brady Caltrans DOTP Air Quality/Conformity 1/17/2012
Air Quality Requirements Conformity Determination Generally, consistency with the RTP CEQA document not required Air Quality Connections Timing of Conformity Determination and FSTIP Approval & Emission Model(s) Used CMAQ Other Processes
Conformity FTIP must have a conformity determination By MPO for each MPO area (RTPAs don’t do conformity) By FHWA for State Projects need to be consistent with RTP Will RTP amendments be needed in some areas to go with or before the FSTIP? Other Air Quality Requirements minimal CEQA document not needed
Timing – Latest Planning Assumptions With EMFAC 2011 release in 10/2011, new fleet compositions and activity assumptions are available. FHWA will not accept or issue regional conformity determinations after 12/31/12 that use EMFAC 2007’s fleet data. So FSTIP must be approved (conformity determination) by FHWA by 12/31/12 if any areas use EMFAC 2007 for conformity analysis (several are doing so).
Emission model use for conformity analysis EMFAC 2007 is the version currently approved by EPA for conformity use (as of January 2012). EMFAC 2011 released by ARB, but not yet “available” per EPA – expect action mid EPA will set a “grace” or transition period of 3-24 months – actual length tbd. EPA EMFAC, FHWA Planning Assumptions processes separate but coordinated FHWA could force conversion on planning assumption grounds before the end of EPA’s grace period
CMAQ – couple of concerns Separate from FTIP process, but CMAQ projects are included in the FTIP SOV projects in general do not qualify for CMAQ Equipment/vehicle replacement should be alternative fuel or clearly demonstrate emission reduction that would not otherwise occur Other – Project-Level studies Several large projects pending NEPA action based on FTIP – design concept and scope have to MATCH at RTP, FSTIP, and project levels
Programming CMAQ – Lima Huy and Dennis Jacobs Air Quality – Lilibeth Green Planning Air Quality/Conformity in General – Mike Brady Assistance: Rodney Tavitas and David Ipps District conformity contacts in 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12 Projects – Environmental Analysis District/Regional Environmental Engineering HQ/DEA – Pete Conn Assistance: Jim Andrews, Jim M. Elder