Terms of Reference, Membership and Report ISCB36 Utrecht 2015: AGM Wed 26 Aug ISCB Sub-Committee SCA
2 InformationTerms of Reference Members Student Conference Award googlegroups.com 1.Student conference awards are available for registered postgraduate students to attend the annual conference and present a paper. 2.The Subcommittee shall receive submissions, judge them, and administer the awards. 3.The rules and procedures are announced in a timely issue of the Newsletter and on the ISCB annual conference webpage. Chair: 1. Ulrich Mansmann (DE) Secretary: 2. Nadine Binder (DE) Members: 3. Keith Abrams (UK) 4. Carl-Fredrik Burman (SE) 5. Richard Cook (CA) 6. Thomas Jaki (UK) 7. Katherine Lee (AU) 8. Chris Metcalfe (UK) 9. Hein Putter (NL) 10. Dimitris Rizopoulos (NL) 11. Jeremy Taylor (US) 12.Jean-Christophe Thalabard (FR)
20 SCA applications: Netherlands (4), Germany (3), United Kingdom, USA, Belgium (2), Sweden, India, Greece, Turkey, France, Australia, Canada (1) Two applications were not valid since they did not fit to the formal requests as described in the application guidelines. In one case, the application has not arrived in the inbox, which was only noticed after the review process; a problem that needs to be prevented by a kind of notification system. All reviewers rated all applications by scores between 1 (best) and 5. 3
NameCountryUniversityTopicSession Jammbe Musoro Academic Medical Center Amsterdam The Netherlands Dynamic prediction of recurrent event data by landmarking with application to a follow-up study of patients after kidney transplant C44 Adriani Nikolako poulou University of Ioannina GreeceProspective use of network meta- analysis using formal statistical monitoring C35 Maja von Cube University of Freiburg GermanyA case-cohort approach for extended illness-death models in hospital epidemiology C03 Yujie Zhong University of Waterloo CanadaAnalysis of Censored Family Data from Response-Biased Samples via Augmented Composite Likelihood C03 After a blind review of 18 valid SCA applications, the committee found four equally excellent contributions: Please join me in congratulating them during the conference dinner.
Ulrich Mansmann resigned from his position as Chair of the SC in May 2015, but he stays as a member in the SC. We thank Ulrich for all his hard work and enthusiasm as a Chair. A new Chair will be appointed during the SC meeting. The SC plans to initiate a further young researchers focused activity related to their research work as an instrument to encourage more students to join the society; different activities were suggested and shall be agreed on during the SC meeting. A young researchers get-together was hosted the third time in row since 2013 during the ISCB conference; we hope that this will continue and are happy to help organize in conjunction with the LOC.