We all smile in the same language Comenius
Traditional Story from Cataluna Spain The interpretation by the Portuguese Children The snail The snail was because the doctor was sick tummy. He said it was a good belly. The doctor gave him a paper with a tree to buy. He folded the paper and went for the plant. Could not take the plant and was called the ladybug, a friend of his and pulled the two. Failed and a rat were calling. And were also unable to get a Dalmatian dog. Failed to take. Were not yet very strong. We call the wolf. With friends and the wolf succeeded, because the wolf has a lot of strength.
Traditional Story from Iceland The interpretation by the Portuguese Children Was once a Lord who walked in Vialonga. Then he heard a sound of a cow in the distance. Walked a bit more and heard better. Finally found the cow and made a pat. Then kitty liked parties and granted 3 wishes. The 1st wish was to bring up rain and Kitty drank water because I was thirsty. The 2nd fire and desire did appear... (can not see why.) The 3rd desire Wind asked to extinguish the fire. There was a very loud noise and Appeared a big monster screaming and you and Kitty fled.
Traditional Story from Cyprus The interpretation by the Portuguese Children The Fox and the King "There once was a fox. She sat and had a friend. The fox friend was making dinner. The friend went to fetch a jug with water to give water to the fox but got tired. The fox then up the vine and sniffed her grapes. The friend called the fox to drink water from the jug and took the fox tree because she was trying to eat the grapes. Then the fox got upset and was walking and crossed a bridge until he came to the castle of a king. And the king said he was weighing some gold coins to get rich. The fox gave a few coins to the king and he gave him in return a cape pink. The king weighed the coins that the fox had given him and saw that there was a gold. The king was so happy that a princess called to go to the castle and stayed with the fox as a pet. Then the fox said to his friend who was now a pet and could not leave the castle but could continue to be his friend because he was no longer angry. After the priest married the princess to the king because he was rich and then were carriage to the castle. The fox, who was in the castle, was facing dragons and picked up a stick and managed to get rid of them. The fox could be stronger and then burned in a dungeon dragons. And then they all lived happily ever after because there was no dragons in the castle "
Story from Cataluna Italy The interpretation by the Portuguese Children After viewing the story, the children, they mentioned that it was based on a raindrop, as he walked through the clouds. They further argued that seemed to them that the little drop of rain was asleep when there was a big storm. Finally, the sun appeared.
Story from Cataluna England The interpretation by the Portuguese Children The Three Little Pigs Mentioned the existence of three pigs and of a wolf that was too bad, because he wanted to eat them all. History according to the degree of difficulty in solving the challenges presented when describing were bad wolf. First the little house of straw, then wood and finally the brick. Also made reference to the cleverness of the last piglet was responsible for the desired effect, which was get rid of the bad wolf. Finally said that persistence was rewarded the piggy's.
Story from Sweden The interpretation by the Portuguese Children "There was once a girl. The girl cleaned the house and then treated the animals. Then he went to milk the cow. The girl unwittingly awakened the cat and the cat drank the milk she had taken from the cow. The girl with the cat and scolded him, afraid, climbed up the stairs. "
Story from Greece The hare and the tortoise Once upon a time a tortoise and a hare who made a run. The rabbit was resting and fell asleep... The turtle did not rest and was always walking! The tortoise won the hare and the rabbit was crying. The turtle was selfish because they did not share the trophy! And win win... just the history !!