Infants' right to food Assessing where countries stand Name: Nia Umar Country: Indonesia
Inappropriate promotion of baby foods It looks like an organization that cares for nutrition but Nutrisi Untuk Bangsa (NUB) is own by one of the largest formula companies in Indonesia: Sari Husada which is own by Danone.
Inappropriate promotion of baby foods The trend of social media in the urban areas of Indonesia also creating a more channels for the companies promoting their products in disguise of web forum for mothers.
Inappropriate promotion of baby foods Nestle sign an MoU between PKK (one of Indonesian biggest organizations of cadres that focus on family welfare at community level. The launch of this program was attended by the first lady whose the head of PKK National Level.
Inappropriate promotion of baby foods 3 Majors Code Violation in Indonesia: 1.Advertisement via various channels and media. 2.Free sampling via hospitals, midwives, stores, magazines etc. 3.Using public health workers and facilities to endorse their products.
WBTi assessment WBTi was used as a background analysis for us to give recommendations to MoH as the initiator of government regulation regarding improvement in breastfeeding rates in Indonesia.
WBTi assessment We used it as an advocacy tools to media to their awareness about breastfeeding situation in Indonesia.
Conflict of Interest Ministry of Women Empowerment & Child Protection launch the PKK program initiate by Nestle. One of ministry’s responsibilities is to empower women to breastfeed. She also gave closing speech at OA7 in Jakarta, she stated that inappropriate baby food promo contribute a lot in declining of breastfeeding rates in Indonesia.
Maternity Benefits Maternity leave (3 months by law 13/2003 regarding Manpower) Paternity leave 2 days only Facility for Crèches: n/a Breastfeeding breaks: law 13/2003 regarding Manpower (no specific time provided but stated appropriate time, which is kind of tricky) Facility to express and store law 13/2003 regarding Manpower and law 36/2009 regarding Health. Cash benefits: maternity leaves must be fully paid. For civil servants this apply only to the third child.