1950’s The Change of America
The Change in Family Housing Crisis suburbs—small residential communities around cities 1950s, 85% of new homes built in suburbs The Baby Boom 1945–1965 baby boom— soaring birth rate after soldiers return
The Change in Family Redefining the Family Changed gender roles = increased divorce rate Women’s Roles Magazines, TV, movies glorify role of homemaker, mother Over 1/5 of suburban wives dissatisfied with their lives 1960, 40% mothers work; limited opportunities, less pay than men
Rise of the Teenager Automobiles (Drive-ins, independence) Automobiles (Drive-ins, independence) Rock and Roll Rock and Roll Movies (James Dean, Marlon Brando) Movies (James Dean, Marlon Brando)
Politics Truman Truman Civil Rights (Dixiecrats) Civil Rights (Dixiecrats) I Like Ike (Grandpa very popular) I Like Ike (Grandpa very popular)
Economics People have savings, service pay, war bonds; buy goods long missed 60% of Americans in middle class Consumerism (buying material goods) equated with success Numerous new products appear on market in response to demand Planned obsolescence Credit purchases, credit cards, installments extend payment period Private debt grows
Popular Culture Television Television TV first widely available 1948; in almost 90% of homes in 1960 Lifestyle changes: TV Guide is popular magazine; TV dinners Movies Beat Movement Radio (Alan Freed = Rock and Roll)