Cultures Clash on the Prairie Great Plains
Native American Life Horse and Gun Warfare Brought be Spanish in 16th Century (1500s) Plain Indians became efficient buffalo hunters Warfare Tribes fought over hunting grounds “Counting coup” – touching a live enemy brought prestige and honor Tribes often called a truce to trade
Native American Life Buffalo Provided many of the Native Americans basic needs Food – jerky or pemmican (mixed with berries and fat) Clothing and shoes Hides used for blankets and teepees.
Native American Life Community made up of a “band” A large, extended family or group of families Many bands made up similar language speaking tribes Men – warriors and hunters Women – butchers, prepared hides Tribes ruled by counsels, not dominant leaders
Manifest Destiny! "(It is) ..our manifest destiny to over spread and to possess the whole of the continent which Providence has given us for the development of the great experiment of liberty" Quoted by John O’Sullivan, 1845 John Gast painting, 1872 Long held belief that white Americans had a God-given right to occupy the entire North American continent Therefore, Native Americans forfeited their land.
John Gast 1872
White Americans Head West What lured settlers west? Manifest Destiny! Silver and Gold – went to strike it rich Land - Homestead Act (1862) – 160 acres free Religions Criminals Romantic ideals – Cowboys and Indians, etc