The Crisis, No. 1 Thomas Paine
p. 331 “These are the times that try men’s souls.” Who are the summer soldier and the sunshine patriot? Britain will not go down easily. Britain has too much power; Paine feels only God should have that much power. They waited too long…they should have declared independence months ago. The only have themselves to blame for letting it get this far.
p P. 332 God will watch out for them because they tried to avoid war. The King is compared to a murderer, a highwayman, and a housebreaker. Paine can give a firsthand account of what is going on because he is marching with the army. P. 333 The retreated with a “manly and martial spirit.” What does he mean by that? They seem to do better when facing great struggles; they don’t do anything the easy way. Why are they fighting in the middle colonies? Everyone must now choose a side…no more can one claim neutrality.
p P. 334 Tories, who are British sympathizers, are cowards; Howe also expects them to fight with the British. A good parent should want to fight now to ensure that their children have peace. “…for though the flame of liberty may sometimes cease to shine, the coal can never expire.” Kick the tories out and confiscate all their land and possessions! P. 335 “…nothing can reach the heart that is steeled with prejudice.” Paine makes a strong call to action. No matter what you feel, this will affect everyone. Britain will not be merciful just because you did not fight. He welcomes being called a rebel. He claims he dislikes war but doesn’t see any other way out of the way they are being treated.
p. 336 The British are simply trying to terrify the colonists into submission. “I bring reason to your ears, and, in language as plain as A, B, C, hold up truth to your eyes.” Every move the army has made has been controlled; people spreading false alarms have made things seem worse than they are. Perseverance is the only way to be successful. This was part of the Common Sense pamphlets.