Scales of Motion, Reynolds averaging September 22
Recall the momentum equation for a fluid: F x is a frictional forcer per unit mass This includes all friction, including winds
Figure 8.1 in Stewart
Frictional Stresses Internal stress (frictional stress) Internal stress (frictional stress) Molecular friction stress related to velocity shear Molecular friction stress related to velocity shear Molecular Viscosity
del square Kinematic molecular viscosity
u y x constant stress, no acceleration in fluid u y x changing stress, acceleration of fluid “curvature of velocity field”
For an incompressible fluid, the frictional force per unit mass takes the form:
Turbulence Turbulence comes from the non-linear terms in the momentum equations Turbulence comes from the non-linear terms in the momentum equations localadvective, non-linear
Reynolds Number Reynolds Number R e, is the ratio of the non-linear terms to the viscous terms Reynolds Number R e, is the ratio of the non-linear terms to the viscous terms U: typical velocity scale u and ∂u ≈ U L: typical distance scale ∂x ≈ L
U L Pipe flow U = average velocity in center L = radius of pipe -Flow is not turbulent (non-linear terms are not important) if R e <1000 in pipes
Turbulence In more complicated flows, non-linear terms are important when R e ≈ 1 or larger In more complicated flows, non-linear terms are important when R e ≈ 1 or larger Flows become fully turbulent if R e >10 5 Flows become fully turbulent if R e >10 5 Gulf Stream: U~1 m/s L~100 km Gulf Stream: U~1 m/s L~100 km ν≈10 -6 m 2 s -1 R e ≈10 11 => turbulent ν≈10 -6 m 2 s -1 R e ≈10 11 => turbulent flow flow Non-linear effects are strong compared to molecular friction Non-linear effects are strong compared to molecular friction In open ocean, molecular friction is usually ignored! Turbulent (non-linear) terms are the important ones! In open ocean, molecular friction is usually ignored! Turbulent (non-linear) terms are the important ones! Turbulent fluctuations act like molecular friction – dissipate (redistribute) energy and other properties Turbulent fluctuations act like molecular friction – dissipate (redistribute) energy and other properties
Turbulent stresses mean over some period “eddy”
by definition
Non-linear terms in the momentum equation can be written as:
Using the previous equation, the continuity equation splits into two equations The x-component of the of the momentum equation becomes
At large Reynolds number, is very small compared to other terms. The addition force per unit mass due to turbulence is: Reynolds Stresses
we assume turbulence acts like molecular viscocity: kinematic eddy viscosity
assume that A z is either constant or that it varies more slowly in the z direction than ∂ū/∂z. Similar for horizontal components but A z is much less than A x,y =A H
Figure 8.4 in Stewart The buoyancy force acting on the displaced parcel is: ‘
The acceleration of the displaced parcel is:
Stability Equation Stability is defined such that: E > 0 stable E = 0 neutral stability E < 0 unstable Influence of stability is expressed by a stability frequency N (also known as Brunt-Vaisala frequency):
Figure 8.6 in Stewart
Figure 8.7 in Stewart
Richardson Number The relative importance of static stability and dynamic instability is expressed by the Richardson Number: The relative importance of static stability and dynamic instability is expressed by the Richardson Number: R i > 0.25 Stable Ri < 0.25 Velocity shear enhances turbulence