Brazil Favelas
Welcome to the favela…..
Brazilian Cities have become cidades inchados (swollen cities) 50% of Rio de Janeiro’s residents may live in favelas, squatter’s settlements. No accurate population account exists
It’s a Tough Life Homes are constructed with materials from bricks to garbage to cement. There are sewage, crime, and hygiene problems. Open sewers run in the street and only 50% of the homes have indoor toilets Drug gangs are the law of the favela and crime and violence is the way of life. Drugs also bring money into the community.
How big of an issue are favelas? There may be 600 favelas in Brazil. They have doubled since 1969 The middle class is getting poorer and the poor are moving to less- “desirable” favelas Lessening economic opportunities (jobs) are making the situation worse
Where is the wealth? Brazil has a huge income disparity between the rich and the poor. Luxurious mansions and resorts exist next to the favelas, many of which are built along the hillsides
What can be done?? Violent police crack-downs have resulted in many deaths. Sometimes it’s difficult to tell who is the “good guy”. There is one murder every 3.5 hours in Rio de Janiero Favelas have been razed, but come right back. More social programs have helped some out of poverty