Pd 2 11/23/09
Saudi Arabia is a country located in the middle east. Saudi Arabia is mainly know for its good manners and its respect. To hold a door for a woman in Saudi Arabia is bad because it puts the man in position to toggle her.
The writing is the declaration of faith and the sword symbolizes justice
Saudi Arabia is desertification. Lacks permanent bodies of water. House hold environments in Saudi Arabia are general. There are many carpets in an average household.
For men, he should be covered from navel to knee. Short sleeved shirts are acceptable but not shorts. Woman must cover everything except for the face. She is aloud to wear whatever she wants as long as she wears and abaya over top.
Giving a gift to someone is only acceptable when it is given to the most intimate of fiends. For a Saudi to receive a gift from a lesser acquaintance is considered embarrassing in which is offensive. The best gift would be a handmade carpet.
The host will start with a platitude like how are you. If other guests are present before you, he will tell you the topic and welcome you to join. Argue is appropriate but never to quarrel. Politics and religion are popular topics.
The king of Saudi Arabia is abdullah, who is also the prime minister. Along him are the governments 23 ministers. Although the royal family is strong and holding up, there are a lot of forces fighting against him.
Saudi society will be based on the principle of adherence to God's command. Public money is sacrosanct. Economic and social development is to be achieved according to a just and scientific plan. Government in Saudi Arabia derives power from the Holy Koran.
Forbidden items include alcohol, narcotics, weapons, ammunition, pork and pornography. Prescription drugs must be documented. Only persons of the Islamic faith are allowed entry.