Ch. 7 sec. 2 Answers
1. Aerobic respiration produces how many more times ATP than glycolysis? p. 137
2. List the two major stages of aerobic respiration.
3. The reactions of the Krebs cycle and the electron transport chain (and chemiosmosis) occur only when what is present?
4. In eukaryotic cells, where do the Krebs cycle and ETC take place?
5. What is the mitochondrial matrix?
6. What is the Krebs cycle? p. 138
7. Who identified the reactions of the Krebs cycle?
8. What is the electron transport chain? p. 139
9. How any ATP molecules (per glucose molecule) can be made in cellular respiration? p. 142
10. Write the equation that summarizes the complete oxidation of glucose in cellular respiration. Below it, write the equation for photosynthesis.