Vision, Mission, and Wildly Important Goals WIGs
Our Goal… To create a powerful and implementable Vision, Mission, and Goals for the Capistrano Unified School District
Wildly Important Goals Vision and Mission An unwavering commitment to student success. Mission: To prepare our students to meet the challenges of a rapidly changing world.
Wildly Important Goals WIG 1 Teaching and Learning Engage students in meaningful, challenging, and innovative educational experiences to increase post-secondary options for all students.
Wildly Important Goals WIG 1 Teaching and Learning
Wildly Important Goals WIG 1 Teaching and Learning CUSD will provide a coherent, rigorous, data-driven Pre-K though 12th grade instructional program where by all students will show growth in meeting or exceeding the standards in ELA and Math by which SBA data will show a 5% growth annually. Instructional Focus: students will demonstrate disciplinary literacy at a Depth of Knowledge (DOK) Level 3 or higher as measured by Smarter Balance, Common Interim and Local Assessment data. This will be accomplished by: Providing access to relevant timely data to support informing instruction and learning Using technology to manage, analyze, synthesize and communicate information Having increased access to an integrated ELD program Having meaningful participation and access to general education curriculum for students receiving special education services. Focus on investing and re-visioning our under-enrolled schools
Wildly Important Goals WIG 1 Teaching and Learning CUSD will implement a Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) for all students to support their social, emotional, and academic growth where by chronic absenteeism rate will reduce from X% to Y% by June 2019. Instructional Focus: provide an integrated academic, positive behavior, and social-emotional instructional and intervention support program based on individual student need to accelerate the performance of each student to meet and/or exceed standards.
Wildly Important Goals WIG 1 Teaching and Learning CUSD will provide personalized pathways for students to be college and career ready as connected by higher education institutions and business partnerships where by student enrollment in career pathways, 9th -12th, will be increased from X% to Y% by June 2019. Instructional Focus: increased access to a broad course of study through CTE, Advance Placement and A-G courses as measured by Smarter Balanced Assessments and API.
Wildly Important Goals WIG 2 Communications Communicate with, and engage students, parents, employees, and community members in District wide and community-specific decisions
Wildly Important Goals WIG 2 Communications Increase opportunities for open dialogue with CUSD stakeholders by conducting 7 high-profile community engagement opportunities by June 30, 2016 and 75 engagements by district leadership by June 30, 2016
Wildly Important Goals WIG 2 Communications By showcasing and promoting our success we will increase open rates of electronic media from 25 percent to 35 percent and increase community engagement of online media by 25 percent by June 30, 2016
Wildly Important Goals WIG 2 Communications Develop and implement a comprehensive communication plan by December 15, 2015
Wildly Important Goals WIG 3 Facilities Optimize facilities and learning environments for all students
Wildly Important Goals WIG 3 Facilities Measure and improve work order turnaround and lower overall work orders and measure “customer” satisfaction Reduce turnaround and lower overall work orders from X to Y by June 30, 2016 New work order system Increased Maintenance & Operations staffing Preventative Maintenance Seek input from stakeholders
Wildly Important Goals WIG 3 Facilities Prepare and communicate multi-year Deferred Maintenance plan for all sites. Begin scheduled deferred maintenance plan rotating for July 2017. Perform “catch up” deferred maintenance work proposed for 2015 -2016 and 2016-2017.
Wildly Important Goals WIG 3 Facilities Measure and lower overall energy use. Establish energy savings plan enhanced by Prop 39 funds. Hire Energy Manager 2015-2016 Establish baseline energy use and identify opportunities for savings 2015-2016 Explore potential for alternative energy sources such as solar power 2015-2016 Lower overall energy use from X to Y by June 30 2017 Lower overall energy use from X to Y by June 30 2018…