DAML Language Breakout Deborah L. McGuinness Knowledge Systems Laboratory Stanford University 2/15/01
Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Stanford University2Topics Reification Defaults/Non-Monotonicity Proof Checking Concrete vs. abstract domains (pre-defined types vs. user-defined types) (datatypes vs. classes)
Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Stanford University3Reification (from dictionary: To regard or treat (an abstraction) as if it had concrete or material existence.) Requirement: Need to make statements about statements. Extensive discussion concerning potential pitfalls, usage in rdf, relationship to RDF, requirements Conclusion – if we include reification, we will expect problems Speculation – we may not be able to avoid modalities as long as we might have thought.
Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Stanford University4Defaults/Rules Currently no default/rule/negation as failure capability in DAML+OIL Agreement that some solution is needed Consider some mechanism on top of the core language Observation that negation as failure in rule systems has long history of usage, tractability, etc. Action Items – form rule mailing list (Ben Grosof will seed the list) Small group followup meeting on topic
Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Stanford University5 Proof Checks Discussion on non-monotonicity led to a discussion of possibly checking non-monotonic proofs Discussion followed on proof checks of (possibly partial) deductions Can either trust reasoners or just check their proofs Proof checking requires tractable proof checking systems Followup among interested parties
Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Stanford University6 Concrete Data Types Consensus that concrete data type (numbers, strings, etc) are necessary Consensus around basic proposal initiated by Horrocks and Patel-Schneider Technical discussion about rdf syntax. Peter (and Ian and Frank) will provide a modified proposal taking into account Connolly’s document Expectation is that this will be included in the language prior to semantic web activity
Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Stanford University7 Other issues? Send to rdf-logic mailing list (or
Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Stanford University8Background Attended by most of ad-hoc committee (physically or virtually) Solicited feedback on current language and wishes for modifications/extensions No feedback on current language other than extensions