IMSX Protocol Evaluation for Session Based IM draft-barnes-simple-imsx-prot-eval-00.txt Mary Barnes IETF 54 SIMPLE WG
July 17th, draft-barnes-simple-imsx-prot-eval-00.txt Overview Overview of analysis General conclusions Other Disadvantage/Advantages of IMSX Related mailing list discussions
July 17th, draft-barnes-simple-imsx-prot-eval-00.txt Overview of analysis Evaluates the suitability of the IMSX protocol as a transport for Session Based IM. IMSX (draft-mrose-simple-exchange-01) defines a BEEP (RFC 3080) profile for exchanging CPIM messages after SIP has performed its session setup signaling. Compares IMSX against the IMPP requirements (RFC 2779). Compares the ability for IMSX to interoperate with other IM systems based upon the CPIM profile (draft-ietf- impp-cpim-02). Discusses IMSX with regards to the Guidelines for Instant Message Sessions (draft-mankin-im-session- guide-00).
July 17th, draft-barnes-simple-imsx-prot-eval-00.txt General Conclusions IMSX meets the majority of the CPIM requirements with the exception of the Network topology requirements, which were beyond the scope of the original design intent of BEEP: Middlebox traversal (NATs and FIREWALLS) for IMSX is a requirement that is currently not specifically addressed by BEEP. However, it is deemed equivalent to and addressed by the same mechanism which would be used for TCP based SIP media. IMSX does not address the proxy or relay requirements for support of IM. However, a solution to this requirement is not beyond the scope of BEEP. Related to these requirements, as evaluated against the IM Session Guidelines, the IMSX/BEEP IM Session solution does not fully address intermediaries.
July 17th, draft-barnes-simple-imsx-prot-eval-00.txt Additional Disadvantages of IMSX Beyond the identified requirements, which are not fully met, additional disadvantages of IMSX as the Session IM protocol are: BEEP does not currently support threading. Requires the development and support of a new protocol for most existing SIP implementations.
July 17th, draft-barnes-simple-imsx-prot-eval-00.txt Additional Advantages of IMSX A user can use a single TCP connection for multiple IM Session connections to the same user. Several channels may be multiplexed over the same TCP connection having different characteristics. For this model of a single TCP connection, interleaving provides a fair share of the use of connection to support the multiple types of media.
July 17th, draft-barnes-simple-imsx-prot-eval-00.txt Mailing List Discussion on IMSX/BEEP One Pro IMSX/BEEP posting: “I personally lean towards the mrose approach. BEEP does a decent job of the message delivery operation. It allows standardized relay elements to be added as needed and provides for a sort of path-discovery that would appear to be beneficial in firewall traversal scenarios. It provides a nice layering distinction between "can I talk to you" and "may I talk to the network".” One Con IMSX/BEEP posting: “have to administer two very different types of devices, with different (and, in the case of mrose, undefined) network management.” Doesn’t see the advantages to mrose wrt "standardized relay elements to be added as needed". What can be added there that can't be added in simple-message? One proposal to progress IMSX as informational, with message-session being the WG document (standards track).