Final Project Disclaimer: We might have to improvise our presentations Check out the PowerPoint to get the break down of the Project Directions!
Supplies At least 2 Chrome books (2) Cell phone timers (1 is ok) Tape Measuring tape or yard stick (2) Algebra 2 books and ISN
Grant Proposal Your group’s supply cost can be covered as long as you write a mini Grant Proposal. Turn in by Sunday, December 6 at 11:59pm, the following: – 1. A Budget of the your items, cost of items and where you will “purchase” the items – 2. Officially as for the money, and as to why your group needs the supplies. (build your project Final grade Overall grade etc) – 3. Find a grant proposal online and share with me the link or document
The catapult is final look is modeled in the previous picture The directions are slightly off but there are various YouTube videos to watch to build a popsicle catapult
Optional: Build a Different Catapult I have provided instruction for the cheapest catapult you can build You can build a different catapult as long you submit a step by step guide on how to build it using images or text
Target D B C A E F G HI 4” 2” 60 0
Target Your Target has to bring in the geometry elements from this semester and also bring some creative element of for your group Your target will need a constructed square, with an inscribed circle, and 2 congruent triangles centered at the Circles origin The congruent triangles can be constructed using the SAS, AAS, SSA, or HL constructions You must label all your points, angles and show all the construction markings Since we don’t have big enough class set tools to make an enlarged target, you can show all the work on a 8.5”x11” paper and maintain proportion when enlarging the image
Step 1) and 2) Practice Runs In class, you will be allowed practice runs before the final presentation Your goal is to find the location your candy is landing on and you will put tape on where your candy lands Task Manager: Designate the two “launchers” and the two “spotters” Think about how you are going to set up the stop watch, countdown?
Step 3) Group Recording Record 3 official run as a group Obtain the average distance and time
Step 4 Average fall time is your (average time)/2
Step 5 Your group needs to figure out d d=1/2gt 2 Make sure to use the time from step 4 Plug in all the values you were given Your d value is the y-value of the vertex Be mindful of your units!
Step 6 Go back to step 3, X of the vertex is the average distance/2
Step 7 You will write the vertex form equation for your data To find a, use the start point (0,0)
Step 8 Write the vertex form equation as standard form
Step 8 Graph your equation Public Relations Chair: Use Desmos to graph your equation, save the graph
Step 10 and 11 You will now launch from your desk Measure the height and adjust your c value
Step 12 and 13 Use the quadratic formula to solve for the x- values of where your candy will land Create a graph for anticipated candy flight
13 Set up your target to land at your modeled x- intercept for Ms. Ramos to observe
Individual Analysis We will record your time and distance Analyze your launch to the equation, – If time allows, model your launch and compare on Desmos for full analysis – What affects does your catapult have to accuracy? Think about the engineering of your catapult
Self Assess and Group Survey Please don’t forget to self assess and conduct each members group survey Secretary: Make sure all paperwork is complete
Presentation You will be presenting your groups’ work to the class Your PowerPoint will be the following: Group Introduction, Research on 3-4 catapults depending on group size, and your equations graphed using Desmos.
Presentation 1. The Public Relations Chair will introduce the group 2. Each person will quickly state their catapult slide 3. The Task Manager will explain the graphs 4. Each person will quickly discuss their individual analysis: Did