Language, Literacy and Communication Oracy : Role play shops Talk abut things from experience. Retell stories I n a simple way. Contribute to discussion about topic. Writing: Mark making in a wide variety of media. In and outdoors. Write dance. Letter formation. Letter formation rhymes Writing stories, shopping lists, recipes. Posters., birthday cards. Reading: Reading a variety of books fact and fiction. Books linked to role play. Visit from library. POPAT Apply phonic strategies Reading simple words Use words and pictures to compose on screen writing. Mathematical Development Shopping for ingredients. Weighing ingredients Timing how long it takes to cook cakes Describe temperature eg: hot/cold Number rhymes/ puzzles/games. Recognition of numbers. Use numbers to 10 in daily activities and play. Counting in welsh. Ordinal numbers (first, second etc.) Use number line to sequence numbers Number formation Counting in 2’s, 10’s. Counting backwards Bonds to ten. Sorting coins. Identifying the value of coins up to 20p. Buying and selling cakes, breads, groceries, pastries in Snowdon Stores. Sequence numbers. Counting on from 5, to make amounts up to 10. Identify number before and after Take away objects, how many left (The hidden set) Use fingers to represent objects Find one more/ less than a number. Use 2d and 3d shapes to make models and pictures. Concept of time through daily activities Days of the week, seasons. Move in given directions Personal, Social, Wellbeing and Cultural Diversity Family Values : Patience and trust Circle time / SEAL activities Appreciate what makes a good friend. Paying compliments. Feeing good about myself. Have an understanding of own Welsh identity. Celebrating differences. Sense: Growing and Changing To be able to talk about human life cycles. To be able to identify how we have changed since birth. To be able to talk about how humans are similar and different to each other. Physical Development Development of gross motor skills : Control of body through various actions : jumping, running, skipping, Warming up and cooling down activities. Move in different directions. Being aware of own space. Mat work Movement through rhymes Following instructions. Correct use of small equipment: hoops,peanut..Develop fine motor skills through a wide variety of activities:: Threading, pegs, dressing and undressing Special books this term: The tiger who came to tea, The gingerbread man, The Royal Baby’s Birthday, Daisy’s Giant Sunflower, Rhymes: 5 current buns, pat a cake, cake for tea, At the supermarket
Knowledge and Understanding of the World Myself and non living things Baking cakes Heating and cooling Freezing and melting Experimenting with different materials: mud/ dough/ fairy dough Cornflour. How they change when something else is added such as water/ conditioner/baby oil. Myself and other living things How we grow and change My body Keeping Healthy A healthy diet Planting seeds/plants Caring for plants Name some parts of a plant Differences in themselves and other children in their class Changes in the seasons –winter /spring walk Creative Development Art: Frosty pictures. Observational drawings of themselves Observational drawing of flowers Look at plants in art. DT: Develop an understanding of planning. What cakes shall we make? How shall we decorate them? Design a birthday cake. Make sandwiches for a birthday party. Music: Songs linked to topic: At the supermarket, Cake for tea, Brown bears snoring (Waking from winter sleep),make a face, Bye baby bunting. Flower pot rock. Finger dance of snowflakes. St David’s day concert songs Un a dau a tri banana Dance: Explore and express a range of moods through a variety of movements to different stimuli. Welsh Language Development Naming some foods in shop: eg: bara, afal, llaeth, siocled, Weather daily. Greetings. Simple instructions Counting/colours Pwy wyt ti? (How are you) Ga i (May I)… Beth wyt ti eisiau (what do you want?) Dwi’n hoffi (I like) Religious Education Explore the wonder of what our bodies can do. Explore the beauty of the world. (seasons, rainbow, flowers, new growth etc) Plant a bean watch it grow. New life in spring: chicks, lambs, tadpoles, human babies. Care for plants/ environment.