Early Man Early man interacted with their environment by: - Hunting Animals - No products were wasted - Gathered plants - Used Environment for shelter - Made Weapons out of stone - Made fire
Early Farmers Early farmers interacted with their environment by: - Growing crops by plowing soil - Domesticated Animals for products - Irrigation ditches, ponds, and canals were used to water crops - Obsidian was used for tools, weapons and art
Mesopotamians Mesopotamians interacted with their environment by: - Used Clay to make clay tablets and pottery - Built mud brick houses - Used Minerals such as copper and bronze to make tools/weapons - Built larger buildings like ziggurats
Egyptians Egyptians interacted with their environment by - Used Linin for Mummies - Developed Mummification process where they wrapped them up and put them in the stone pyramids -Used Matron (salt) to dry mummies out -Made pyramids out of stone
Ancient Chinese The Ancient Chinese interacted with their environment by: - They made the terracotta warriors out of stone and paint -Used loess to make fertile soil -Made silk from silk worms -Made Iron tools/weapons -Great wall of China
Ancient Greece The Ancient Greeks interacted with their environment by: -Made Acropolis’ out of Stone -Had Open air Agoras -Learned how to use sea for trade and resources -In the mountains the soil was dry and the ancient Greeks adapted by planting olives, grapes, and barley