OVERVIEW Executive Summary Purpose and scope of the report 2014/15 Annual Performance and Auditor General Report Progress on outstanding Performance targets for 2014/15 Overview of the Organisation’s 1 st Quarter Performance Performance indicators and actual 1 st Quarter achievements Human Resources Expenditure performance for the 1 st Quarter 2015/16 2
Executive Summary This is the report on the organisation’s progress with regards to the achievement of the 2014/15 Performance Targets and the 1 st quarter targets on the organisation’s 2015/2016 Annual Performance Plan (APP) as at the end of June The report has been compiled by the Executive members of the CPSI based on the analysis of the progress from the work streams. The reported progress has been verified by the Internal Audit and Risk Management Unit and endorsed by the Audit Committee. 3
Purpose and scope of the report The monitoring and reporting of the organisation's performance against its Annual Performance Plan (APP) is a requirement as per: – Section 40(d) of the Public Finance Management Act, 1999 (Act No 1 of 1999), and – National Treasury's Framework for Strategic and Annual Performance Plans (August 2010). Accordingly the report has been submitted to: – The Minister and Deputy Minister: – The Director General of the DPSA for noting; – The National Treasury; – The Department of Monitoring and Evaluation. 4
2014/15 Annual Performance and Auditor General Report In the Auditor General’s opinion, the performance information of the CPSI as set out in the annual performance report is useful and reliable in all material respects and in accordance with the identified performance management and reporting framework. 5
Overview of 2014/15 Performance Programme No. of Annual Targets No. of Targets Achieved No. of Targets not/ partially Achieved Performance in % Solution Support and Incubation 42250% Research and Development % Enabling Environment % OVERALL CPSI PERFORMANCE % 6
Progress on outstanding Performance targets for 2014/15 (1) 2014/15 Target: Two innovative projects identified and supported for replication was only partially achieved Two projects were identified to be facilitated for replication, i.e.: – The Tele-Radiology Project - This was a CPSI award winning project in During the initiation of the project an assessment was done to replicate the Tele-Radiology Project in Gauteng at Helen Joseph and Rahima Moosa Hospitals. Resources were secured from private sector partners. The project was initiated and completed at these hospitals. – The Ligbron E-Learning projects - This was a CPSI award winning project in Assessment was conducted in three sites in the Eastern Cape and the three schools are St Johns, Zwelibanzi and Ngweyibandla. Appropriate classrooms were identified and prepared for the project. Deviation: Two innovative projects were identified but only the Ligbron E- Learning project was not completed. Comment on deviations and Mitigating strategies: A private sector partner committed to fund parts of the Ligbron E-Learning Project. It is anticipated that it will be done on the 2 nd quarter of 2015/16. 7
Outstanding Performance targets for 2014/15 (2) 2014/15 Target: One prototype of integrated policing nerve centre tested at the Honeydew Cluster. Progress on target: The development of the dashboard was completed but the linking and the testing of the dashboard with SAPS and other systems was not done. Comment on deviations and Mitigating strategies: This project is dependent on specific deliverables from stakeholders. The retirement of the SAPS project manager resulted in a major delay in the project. Following numerous efforts to resolve the challenges a Ministerial briefing was held with the MPSA for intervention, followed by a letter to the Minister of Police on the 5 th March 2015 requesting a meeting. However, no response has been received to date. Follow ups have been made in this regard. An executive decision was taken to source alternative beneficiaries in collaboration with Business Against Crime (BAC). 8
Overview of the Organisation’s 1st Quarter Performance (April – June 2015) No of Targets1st Quarter Targets Achieved 1st Quarter Targets Partially achieved 1st Quarter Targets Not Achieved
Performance indicators and 1 st quarter actual achievement tables Target for 2015/16 as per APP 1st Quarter Target as per APP Actual Achievement for the 1st Quarter Deviation from planned 1 st quarter target Comment/ Mechanisms to address differences in targets Performance Rating Quarterly performance reports submitted to MPSA, DPSA, DPME and National Treasury Submit the 4th Quarter report of 2014/15 to MPSA, DPSA, DPME and National Treasury by 30 April th Quarter report of 2014/15 submitted to MPSA, DPSA, DPME and National Treasury None Achieved 10 Programme 1 – Administration: Subprogramme - Strategic Management Strategic objective: EFFECTIVE INTEGRATED PLANNING AND REPORTING Measurable Objective: Consolidate and monitor the implementation of the performance plans in line with the organisation’s strategic priorities and statutory reporting regulations
Performance indicators and 1 st quarter actual achievement tables Target for 2015/16 as per APP 1st Quarter Target as per APP Actual Achievement for the 1st Quarter Deviation from planned 1 st quarter target Comment/ Mechanisms to address differences in targets Performance Rating Identify, develop and implement at least two CRM policies, procedures, plans or strategies Identify at least two CRM policies, procedures or strategies to be implemented through an internal consultation process Job Evaluation Policy and Recruitment Policy have been identified as priority policies through consultation with EXCO and all CPSI staff. None Achieved 11 Programme 1 – Administration: Subprogramme - Corporate Resource Management Strategic objective: EFFECTIVE CORPORATE RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Measurable Objective: To develop and implement Corporate Resource Management policies, procedures, plans or strategies to ensure organisational compliance, effectiveness and efficiency
Performance indicators and 1 st quarter actual achievement tables Target for 2015/16 as per APP 1st Quarter Target as per APP Actual Achievement for the 1st Quarter Deviation from planned 1 st quarter target Comment/ Mechanisms to address differences in targets Performance Rating Quarterly financial reports submitted to the MPSA, DPSA and the National Treasury Submit the 4th Quarter report of 2014/15 to National Treasury and the MPSA by 30 April th Quarter report of 2014/15 submitted to DPSA, MPSA and National Treasury None Achieved 12 Programme 1 – Administration: Subprogramme - Office of the Chief Financial Officer Strategic objective: EFFECTIVE FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Measurable Objective: To provide effective Financial and Supply Chain Management by monitoring the organisation’s expenditure and ensuring compliance with statutory reporting requirements
Performance indicators and 1 st quarter actual achievement tables Target for 2015/16 as per APP 1st Quarter Target as per APP Actual Achievement for the 1st Quarter Deviation from planned 1 st quarter target Comment/ Mechanisms to address differences in targets Performance Rating Submit the Organisational Procurement Plan and Consultancy Reduction Plan to the National Treasury Submit to National Treasury the approved organisational Procurement Plan and Consultancy Reduction Plan by 30 April 2015 Approved organisational Procurement Plan and Consultancy Reduction Plan submitted to National Treasury None Achieved Identify, develop and implement at least two Financial or Supply Chain Management policies or procedures Identify at least two Financial or Supply Chain Management policies or procedures through an internal consultation process The Supply Chain Management Policy and the Payroll Policy have been identified as priority policies through consultation with EXCO and all CPSI staff. None Achieved 13 Programme 1 – Administration: Subprogramme - Office of the Chief Financial Officer (Continue)
Performance indicators and 1 st quarter actual achievement tables Target for 2015/16 as per APP 1st Quarter Target as per APP Actual Achievement for the 1st Quarter Deviation from planned 1 st quarter target Comment/ Mechanisms to address differences in targets Performance Rating At least 5 case studies related to service delivery innovations developed for dissemination Drafting of at least 2 Case studies Six service delivery innovation case studies have been drafted from previous CPSI Awards entries. E.g. The Green Door Safe house for abused persons and the Correctional Services outreach programme at Baviaanspoort Correctional Centre. None Achieved 14 Programme 2 – Public Sector Innovation: Subprogramme - Research and Development Strategic objective: CASE STUDY DEVELOPMENT Measurable Objective: To develop case studies of selected service delivery innovations, for dissemination through the CPSI's knowledge platforms and products Background: Through CPSI knowledge platforms and products, innovative case studies with a specific focus on service delivery challenges, are developed and generated for dissemination in knowledge management platforms and products.
Performance indicators and 1 st quarter actual achievement tables Target for 2015/16 as per APP 1st Quarter Target as per APP Actual Achievement for the 1st Quarter Deviation from planned 1 st quarter target Comment/ Mechanisms to address differences in targets Performance Rating At least three service delivery challenges investigated and possible solutions identified Initiate three investigations of service delivery challenges One challenge was identified for investigation, i.e. Rat infestation was identified as a serious health hazard in cities, particularly in informal settlements. Only one investigation was initiated. Capacity allocated to this target was reassigned to the finalization of another pilot project. The identification and investigation of the challenges was postponed to the 2nd quarter. Partially Achieved 15 Programme 2 – Public Sector Innovation: Subprogramme - Research and Development Strategic objective: IDENTIFICATION AND CONFIRMATION OF CHALLENGES FOR TARGETED SOLUTIONS Measurable Objective: To investigate service delivery challenges to identify solutions for possible development, adaptation, piloting and/ or replication, in partnership with the relevant stakeholders Background: The CPSI uses the National System of Innovation to address service delivery challenges. Identification of solutions for identified challenges (for potential piloting) through an Innovation Exchange Portal (OpenIX) in partnership with The Innovation Hub. This is done in collaboration with service delivery departments.
Performance indicators and 1 st quarter actual achievement tables Target for 2015/16 as per APP 1st Quarter Target as per APP Actual Achievement for the 1st Quarter Deviation from planned 1 st quarter target Comment/ Mechanisms to address differences in targets Performance Rating At least one identified challenge with no available solution posted on the OpenIX Exchange to initiate a development process Conclusion of development of solution for challenge posted in 2014/15 NoneThe development of the solution for a challenge posted in 2014/15 has not been concluded. Capacity allocated to this target been reassigned to the finalization of another pilot project. The additional background investigations and stakeholder engagement required for the development of the solution has been postponed to 2 nd quarter. Not Achieved 16 Programme 2 – Public Sector Innovation: Subprogramme - Research and Development
Performance indicators and 1 st quarter actual achievement tables Target for 2015/16 as per APP 1st Quarter Target as per APP Actual Achievement for the 1st QuarterDeviation from planned 1 st quarter target Comment/ Mechanisms to address differences in targets Performance Rating At least one new pilot initiated to address service delivery challenges over a short- term period Stakeholder engagement, risk analysis, and project planning (including resource mobilisation) The Memeza Community Alarm solution that was developed in 2014/15 was identified for piloting in the 2015/16 financial year. Stakeholder engagement with Gauteng Departments of Community Safety, Education and Social Development continued, a risk analysis and project plan was done. The first phase of piloting 40 units was completed successfully. Due to positive results a further 560 units are being installed in partnership with the Private Sector. None Achieved 17 Programme 2 – Public Sector Innovation: Subprogramme - Solution Support and Incubation Strategic objective: PILOT, DEMONSTRATE AND FACILITATE THE REPLICATION OF INNOVATIVE MODELS AND SOLUTIONS Measurable Objective: To pilot with service owners, demonstrate to public servants, and facilitate the replication, in identified sectors, of innovative models and solutions that improve service delivery
Performance indicators and 1 st quarter actual achievement tables Target for 2015/16 as per APP 1st Quarter Target as per APP Actual Achievement for the 1st Quarter Deviation from planned 1 st quarter target Comment/ Mechanisms to address differences in targets Performance Rating Two CPSI award winning and/or other innovation projects identified, facilitated and supported for replication Project identification, assessment and risk analysis for replicability through an internal review process Project identification, assessment and risk analysis for replicability was done through an internal review process of five potential projects that can be facilitated and supported for replication None Achieved 18 Programme 2 – Public Sector Innovation: Subprogramme - Solution Support and Incubation
Performance indicators and 1 st quarter actual achievement tables Target for 2015/16 as per APP 1st Quarter Target as per APP Actual Achievement for the 1st Quarter Deviation from planned 1 st quarter target Comment/ Mechanisms to address differences in targets Performance Rating At least one new pilot initiated to address service delivery challenges over a multi-year period Stakeholder engagement, risk analysis, and drafting the project planning (including resource mobilisation) The Project Planning has also been done. Resource mobilisation has been completed. Funding was received for the initiation of the Helen Joseph Energy Efficiency Project. Stakeholder Engagement and Risk analysis has not been done yet. Funding was only received at the end of the first quarter. Project implementation to start in the 2nd quarter. Letters have been sent to stakeholders (Gauteng Departments of Health and Infrastructure Development) to initiate project meetings. Partially Achieved 19 Programme 2 – Public Sector Innovation: Subprogramme - Solution Support and Incubation Background: The project aims to reduce the energy costs of the hospital through technical and behavioural interventions as the basis for developing an innovative model for retrofitting energy efficient technologies. No progress was made with the development and piloting of the energy-efficiency model at the Helen Joseph Hospital.
Performance indicators and 1 st quarter actual achievement tables Target for 2015/16 as per APP 1st Quarter Target as per APP Actual Achievement for the 1st Quarter Deviation from planned 1 st quarter target Comment/ Mechanisms to address differences in targets Performance Rating At least 300 public sector officials and other partners visited the MMIC Receive at least 75 visitors to the MMIC 29 Officials visited the MMIC The target was missed by 46 For the 2 nd, 3 rd and 4 th Quarters a vigorous marketing of the MMIC through CPSI’s `conference and awards will be undertaken. A social media marketing strategy that targets public institutions to visit the MMIC will also developed. CPSI will further invite all CPSI Awards finalists to visit the Centre. Partially Achieved 20 Programme 2 – Public Sector Innovation: Subprogramme - Solution Support and Incubation Background: Through a functional Multi-Media Innovation Centre, the CPSI demonstrates and entrenches innovation in the Public Sector. This is achieved by presenting to visitor's on public sector innovation, including facilitating their business process reviewing.
Performance indicators and 1 st quarter actual achievement tables Target for 2015/16 as per APP 1st Quarter Target as per APP Actual Achievement for the 1st Quarter Deviation from planned 1 st quarter target Comment/ Mechanisms to address differences in targets Performance Rating At least four projects per category identified and recognised in a formal awards ceremony Launch the 2015 Public Sector Innovation Awards Programme in a Call for Entries ceremony The 2015 Public Sector Innovation Awards Programme was launched at the "Call for Entries" event held on 7 May 2015 in North West. The event was attended by 136 officials. None Achieved 21 Programme 2 – Public Sector Innovation: Subprogramme - Enabling Environment Strategic objective: INNOVATION KNOWLEDGE PROGRAMMES, PRODUCTS AND PLATFORMS Measurable Objective: To promote a culture of innovation in the public sector to enhance service delivery through sustaining and managing knowledge programmes, products and platforms Background: The awards programme identifies, recognises and rewards innovation in the public sector with the aim of encouraging innovation for improved service delivery. This programme has different achievements leading to the actual awards ceremony which is annual hosted in the 3rd quarter.
Performance indicators and 1 st quarter actual achievement tables Target for 2015/16 as per APP 1st Quarter Target as per APP Actual Achievement for the 1st Quarter Deviation from planned 1 st quarter target Comment/ Mechanisms to address differences in targets Performance Rating Host the Annual Public Sector Innovation Conference to share at least five innovative best practices and a panel of experts’ discussion held Stakeholder engagements on collaboration. Conceptualization of theme and the conference programme Various stakeholders have been engaged regarding collaboration on the conference: The theme of the Conference has been finalised and the programme has been drafted. None Achieved 22 Programme 2 – Public Sector Innovation: Subprogramme - Enabling Environment Background : Public Service Innovation Conference is annually hosted during the 2nd quarter of the reporting period. The purpose of this Conference is to demonstrate the role and centrality of innovation as a tool for responding to current government priorities and for anticipating citizens’ changing needs; to collaboratively explore key elements for successful implementation and sustaining of innovative programmes to enhance public sector performance; and to facilitate the sharing of innovative perspectives and practices that respond to service delivery priorities for replication. In preparation for the Conference which will be hosted in August 2015.
Performance indicators and 1 st quarter actual achievement tables Target for 2015/16 as per APP 1st Quarter Target as per APP Actual Achievement for the 1st Quarter Deviation from planned 1 st quarter target Comment/ Mechanisms to address differences in targets Performance Rating Vol 6 Issue 1 and 2 of the Ideas that Work : The South African Public Sector Innovation Journal published with at least 5 case studies and copies disseminated to the public sector, academia and stakeholders Collection, soliciting and editing of content for the Vol 6 Issue 1 of Ideas that Work: The South African Public Sector Innovation Journal Content for the Vol 6 Issue 1 of Ideas that Work: The South African Public Sector Innovation Journal has been solicited, collected and edited None Achieved 23 Programme 2 – Public Sector Innovation: Subprogramme - Enabling Environment Background: The CPSI annually publishes two editions (Volume 5: Issue 1 and 2) of the South African Public Sector Innovation Journal “Ideas that Work” for public sector wide learning and replication. During the period under review content for the 1st Edition was collected, solicited and edited as follows: two Case studies, one news brief, one Article and seven questionnaires for case studies were issued soliciting articles.
Performance indicators and 1 st quarter actual achievement tables Target for 2015/16 as per APP 1st Quarter Target as per APP Actual Achievement for the 1st Quarter Deviation from planned 1 st quarter target Comment/ Mechanisms to address differences in targets Performance Rating Two workshops held and attended by public officials One workshop heldService Provider has been appointed to conduct workshops on Leading Innovation in the Public Service to build capacity in the public service The workshop was not held The workshop will be held in the 2nd quarter. Not Achieved 24 Programme 2 – Public Sector Innovation: Subprogramme - Enabling Environment Background: The CPSI creates platforms and products for entrenching the culture and practice of innovation in the public sector for enhancing service delivery.
Performance indicators and 1 st quarter actual achievement tables Target for 2015/16 as per APP1st Quarter Target as per APP Actual Achievemen t for the 1st Quarter Deviation from planned 1 st quarter target Comment/ Mechanisms to address differences in targets Performance Rating Number of content items on Innovation, Public Administration and Finance, uploaded onto the UNPAN Portal as the SADC Online Regional Centre to contribute to the strengthening of public administration and good governance initiatives 300 uploads on the UNPAN Portal consisting of SADC public administration and innovation documents, news and events 327 uploads were done on the UNPAN Portal. None Achieved 25 Programme 2 – Public Sector Innovation: Subprogramme - Enabling Environment Strategic objective: CONTRIBUTION TOWARDS IMPROVED PUBLIC SERVICE AND ADMINISTRATION, INCLUDING AFRICA AND THE INTERNATIONAL ARENA Measurable Objective: Participating in regional and international innovation programmes for learning, sharing and profiling of South African innovations to strengthen good governance initiatives Background: UNPAN is a virtual electronic network that promotes the sharing of knowledge and exchange of innovative practices and lessons learned in public policies and management at local, national and international levels. The CPSI is the Southern Africa's online regional centre, with the responsibility of identifying, coordinate and uploading content to the portal on behalf of the SADC Region and host the annual workshop.
Performance indicators and 1 st quarter actual achievement tables Target for 2015/16 as per APP 1st Quarter Target as per APP Actual Achievement for the 1st Quarter Deviation from planned 1 st quarter target Comment/ Mechanisms to address differences in targets Performance Rating Host a UNPAN SADC regional workshop attended by representatives from SADC countries UNPAN SADC regional workshop was held on June 2015 and attended by representatives from 10 countries None Achieved Participate in at least two regional and international programmes Participate in the Committee of Experts on Public Administration Participate in the UN Public Service Innovation forum Attended and participated in the Committee of Experts on Public Administration in April 2015 Did not participate in the UN Public Service Innovation forum The participation in the UN Public Service Innovation forum in April 2015 was postponed to November due to the CPSI commitments to the APSD commitments in Congo-Brazzaville Partially Achieved 26 Programme 2 – Public Sector Innovation: Subprogramme - Enabling Environment
Human Resources Programme Number on Establishment Number permanent posts filled Number Vacant Permanent posts Number Additional to establishment posts filled Number Additional to establishment posts vacant Other (Seconded/ Assign) 1 Admin Innovation Total Establishment detail per programme Establishment detail per sub-programme Sub- programme Number on Establishment Number permanent posts filled Number Vacant Permanent posts Number Additional to establishment posts filled Number Additional to establishment posts vacant Other (Seconded/ Assign) SM CRM OCFO RD SSI EE Total
Human Resources (continue) 28 Establishment detail per level Level Number on Establishment Number permanent posts filled Number Vacant Permanent posts Number Additional to establishment posts filled Number Additional to establishment posts vacant Other (Seconded/ Assign) * ** ** ** Total Vacant posts: Level 7,8,11 awaiting outcome of security pre-screening, appointment anticipated for October 2016 Vacant post:L13 due to funding constraints post is proposed to be abolished * Contract post until February 2016 ** Posts funded from Canadian General Budget Support funds
Expenditure performance for the 1st Quarter 2015/16 CPSI’s expenditure for the 1st Quarter of the financial year amounted R5, 129 million of the allocated amount of R29, 003 million (i.e per cent of the total budget). The expenditure per component up to 30 June 2015 is as follows: 29 Description 2015/16 ENE Original Allocations Actual Expenditure 30 June 2015Budget Unspent% Budget Spent R'000 % SM CRM OCFO Admin RD SSI EE Innov Total
Expenditure performance for the 1st Quarter 2015/16 The expenditure per economic classification up to 30 June 2015 is as follows: 30 Description 2015/16 ENE Original Allocations Actual Expenditur e 30 June 2015 Budget Unspent % Budget Spent R'000 % Compensation of Employees Goods and Services Transfers and Subsidies Machinery and Equipment69 - Total