Logo Electronics Electricity, Components And Circuits
Logo Electricity What is it?
Logo The Atom Electrons Protons Neutrons
Logo Electricity is Created When… One or more electrons are dislodged from an Atom. These free electrons become electricity. If an Atom is missing one of its electrons it becomes a positive Ion. If an Atom gains a extra electron it will become a negative Ion.
Logo Electricity is created from.. -Heat -Friction -Nuclear reaction -Light -Chemical reaction -Magnetism
Logo Key Terms - Conductor – allows electrons to flow through it - Insulator – blocks the flow of electrons - Current – a flow of electrons - Circuit – the path that electrical energy travels - Component – any electrical part that makes up a circuit - Terminal – the place where you connect a wire to a component.
Logo Complete Circuit
Logo Series VS Parallel Circuits
Logo Series Circuit Complete PathPath is Broken
Logo Parallel Circuit
Logo Components
Logo Key/Switch Opens or closes a circuit
Logo Battery Stores energy and gradually lets it out as called for
Logo Speaker Changes electrical energy to sound
Logo Transistor Acts like a switch when hit with a small amount of electricity
Logo Resistor Restricts the flow of electricity
Logo Diode Allows electricity to flow in only one direction
Logo Capacitor Stores electrons for a sudden discharge
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