Hayes Presidential Center Curriculum Connection Mrs. Parker’s 4th grade class Hancock School
Facts I learned at the Rutherford B. Hayes Museum I learned Hayes died in his bed and his wife did to she was sick Hayes got shot 3 times and lived. I really like the Doll house because it had diffrent kinds of rooms it had little stateues in each part. My favorite part of the museum was the bear trap and the 9 feet long gun and all of the rest and I like the map with the light house and the carriage. My favorite part of our field trip was we saw the tomb of whitey their horse she died to.
Facts I learned at the Rutherford B. Hayes Museum I really liked the jewelry because it’s pretty I like the pictures in the house My favorite was the baby room cause it was cool
Facts I learned at the Rutherford B. Hayes Museum I liked the gun room because there was some guns from the war. My favorite part of the field trip was when we got to see President Hayes house because he had really cool rooms. I learned Mr. Hayes got injured in the war.
Facts I Learned at the Rutherford B. Hayes Museum I Learned I learned that Rutherford B. Hayes fought in war. I really liked the guns and the Doll House. My favorite part of the museum was when I saw the baby room. My favorite part of the trip was the house. My favorite part of the trip was the house.
Fact l learned at the Rutherford B. Hayes Museum I really liked the house because the bed was big. My favorite was the gun because they was big. The Hayes museum was the best trip ever.
Facts I learned in the Hayes Museum I liked the gun room. I liked the gun room. The gun I liked was the 9 foot gun The gun I liked was the 9 foot gun The room I liked was his bedroom. The room I liked was his bedroom.
Facts I learned at the Rutherford B.Hayes Museum I learned My favorite part of museum was the gun room in the basement. My favorite part of the field trip was Rutherford’s house and all of the paintings of the family I really liked the Doll house because it had really fancy furniture in every room.
Facts I learned at the Rutherford B. Hayes Museum I learned that Rutherford Hayes was shot 3 times and survived. My favorite part of the museum was the gun room because there was a 9 ft. long gun. I really liked the tome because it looked really nice.
Facts I learned at the Rutherford B. Hayes Museum I really liked the house because it was nice to see a President’s house. My favorite part of the museum was the guns. My favorite part of our field trip was all the President’s they showed us.
Facts I learned at the Rutherford B. Hayes Museum I liked the gun room because they where in the army. I liked the old fire truck because I never seen one. I liked the old football because I like football.
Facts I Learned at the Rutherford B. Hayes Museum I learned that Rutherford B. Hayes fought in the Civil War. I really liked the gun room and the jacket the jacket Mr. Hayes got wounded with. My favorite part was seeing Mr. Hayes house in Spiegel Grove. My favorite part of the museum was seeing all the bedrooms in the house, seeing the grave of Old Whitey, Mr. Hayes, Mrs. Hayes.
Facts I learned at the Rutherford B. Hayes Museum I liked the doll houses at the museum. I liked the doll houses at the museum. In the Hayes house my favorite thing was the rooms they were huge. In the Hayes house my favorite thing was the rooms they were huge. I learned that Rutherford B. Hayes got injured. I learned that Rutherford B. Hayes got injured.
Facts I Learn at the Ruther B. Hayes Museum I Learned to respect dead President. I really liked the guns My favorite thing was the house
Facts I learned at the Rutherford B. Hayes Museum I learned Hayes died in his bed and his wife did to she was sick Hayes got shot 3 times and lived. I really like the Doll house because it had diffrent kinds of rooms it had little stateues in each part. My favorite part of the museum was the bear trap and the 9 feet long gun and all of the rest and I like the map with the light house and the carriage. My favorite part of our field trip was we saw the tomb of whitey their horse she died to.
Things I learned at Rutherford b. hays president center I really like his house because it was nice. My favorite part was the museum. I really liked his house out of every thing.
Facts I learned about president Ruth This is Rutherford B. Hays grave. As you can see Rutherford B. hays was born in 1914 and died in
Facts I Learned at the Rutherford B. Hayes Museum I learned that Rutherford was married to miss Hayes and she died. I learned that Rutherford was married to miss Hayes and she died. I liked the baby room and the carig. I liked the baby room and the carig. My favorite was the house. My favorite was the house. My favorite was the bus. My favorite was the bus.
Facts I learned at the Rutherford B. Hayes Museum My favorite thing in museum was the gun room. My favorite weapon was the 9 foot gun. My favorite thing in the house was the library.
Pictures used in slide presentation Were taken from the Hayes Presidential Center website