Formal definitions written in the manual
Written specification External product of the Architect Details what the user sees Does not detail what the user doesn’t see Precession is the key Multiple catalogued iterations that are dated and given version numbers Definitions must all agree and state the essentials
Precision beyond English Formal Notation vs. Prose Language Describes implementation of hardware and software Prose and Formal can work together but one must be standard Testing Formal Definitions by running it on a machine Experts can easily and quickly have answers that are exact
Good Precise, Complete, Gaps are easier to spot Bad Comprehensibility Ugly Lack of precise definitions for particular instances
Weekly Half-Day Meetings Team made up of Architects, Leads on Software, Hardware, and Marketing Small smart team can create many solutions to problems Updates the manual Annual or Bi-Annual Summits Accumulated minor problems are dealt with All project leaders are involved from all sections of the project
Manuals are an important tool to keep things uniform and precise. Shortening the project time and developing a comprehensive knowledge of the project.