Session 6 Lumberton High PLC Tuesday, April 19, 2011 Literacy Training: Modeling Literacy
Active Reading
Reasons to Read Pleasure Pleasure Informational (Newspapers, manuals, magazines, instructions, etc.) Informational (Newspapers, manuals, magazines, instructions, etc.) School based reading lists for each curriculum area School based reading lists for each curriculum area In class reading activities In class reading activities SSR, DEAR, etc. SSR, DEAR, etc. Feedback ( oral or written) Feedback ( oral or written) Teachers should create classroom libraries
As they read, good readers are both purposeful and active. They may read to figure out how to use a food processor or for entertainment. Examples: What is the purpose for reading about a processor? Answer: Information What is the purpose for reading a magazine for entertainment? Answer: Pleasure Good readers also think actively as they read. They use their experiences and knowledge of the world, vocabulary, language structure, and reading strategies to make sense of the text and know how to get the most out of it. They know when they have problems with understanding and how to resolve these problems as they occur.
During and After Reading Activities
“ Say Something” With your partner, decide who will say something first after reading a short selection. With your partner, decide who will say something first after reading a short selection. When you say something, do one or more of the following: When you say something, do one or more of the following: Make a prediction Make a prediction Ask a question Ask a question Clarify something you had misunderstood Clarify something you had misunderstood Make a comment Make a comment Make a connection Make a connection If you can’t do one of those five things, then you need to reread. If you can’t do one of those five things, then you need to reread.
“ Say Something” Example of this Strategy Josie: Luci, let’s stop at this point and “say something“. I didn’t get it until this part here. (she points to the 2 nd paragraph of “The Tell-Tale Heart). See this is where he says, “You fancy me mad”? Well…then I thought, I get it know cause it means he is crazy! And this part here is taking place a long time ago because he is using a lantern and I thought maybe it was like in western times. Josie: Luci, let’s stop at this point and “say something“. I didn’t get it until this part here. (she points to the 2 nd paragraph of “The Tell-Tale Heart). See this is where he says, “You fancy me mad”? Well…then I thought, I get it know cause it means he is crazy! And this part here is taking place a long time ago because he is using a lantern and I thought maybe it was like in western times. Luci: I don’t think so. He doesn’t sound like a rancher or anything. But I think he is crazy! Do you think that when he says “his evil eye”, he means the man is evil? Like maybe that is his name. See how it is in capital letters? (she points to the book) Luci: I don’t think so. He doesn’t sound like a rancher or anything. But I think he is crazy! Do you think that when he says “his evil eye”, he means the man is evil? Like maybe that is his name. See how it is in capital letters? (she points to the book) Josie: Uh-uh. I don’t think so. I think like you say, “Don’t give me the evil eye, “ that the guy was giving him the evil eye, so he’s calling his eye that. Josie: Uh-uh. I don’t think so. I think like you say, “Don’t give me the evil eye, “ that the guy was giving him the evil eye, so he’s calling his eye that. Luci: Oh…I see what you mean. Let’s continue reading. Luci: Oh…I see what you mean. Let’s continue reading.
“ Say Something” Putting the strategy to work 1.First, model the strategy. Two volunteers can create a scenario and talk aloud or the teacher can read the previous slide aloud (Josie and Luci) 2.Explain the procedure to the students. Discuss the 5 bullets on the first slide labeled “Say something” 3.The partner’s job is to offer a response to partner. 4.Dependent readers often need help in responding. 5.Students first should practice the strategy with short text reading assignments.
Generating Interactions between Schemata and Text Generating Interactions between Schemata and Text Gist is a used both during reading and after reading. Gist is a used both during reading and after reading. It helps students learn to delete unimportant information, select key ideas, and write about them in their own words. It helps students learn to delete unimportant information, select key ideas, and write about them in their own words. It is one approach to summarizing a text. When using GIST, students create summaries that are 20 words or less for increasingly large amounts of text. It is one approach to summarizing a text. When using GIST, students create summaries that are 20 words or less for increasingly large amounts of text. The end product is a 20 word summary that is tight and precise. The end product is a 20 word summary that is tight and precise. GIST GIST
1.Define what the "gist" of something is. 2.Read the first paragraph/section of the assigned reading. The size of the section will depend upon the grade level and size of the complete text. 3.Write a 20 word summary that describes the main idea in that section. 4.Read the second paragraph/section of the assigned reading. 5.Write a 20 word summary that combines the material in the first gist statement and the new material. 6.Continue this procedure until a 20 word summary is created for the entire reading. How Does It Work? How Does It Work?
Looking Ahead…