Strategic Plan: 2010/11 – 2012/13 Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Home Affairs 16 March 2010
Aims and Functions In terms of Section 190 of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa (Act 108 of 1996), the Electoral Commission must –manage elections of national, provincial and municipal legislative bodies in accordance with national legislation; –ensure that those elections are free and fair; and –declare the results of those elections within a period that must be prescribed by national legislation and that is as short as reasonably possible.
Aims and Functions (cont.) The duties and functions of the Electoral Commission are defined in section 5 of the Electoral Commission Act, These include – –compile and maintain a voters' roll by means of a system of registering eligible voters by utilising data available from government sources and information furnished by voters; –compile and maintain a register of parties; –undertake and promote research into electoral matters; –develop and promote the development of electoral expertise and technology in all spheres of government; –continuously review electoral legislation and proposed electoral legislation, and to make recommendations in connection therewith; –promote voter education; –declare the results of elections for national, provincial and municipal legislative bodies within seven days after such elections; –appoint appropriate public administrations in any sphere of government to conduct elections when necessary.
Vision and Mission Vision To strengthen constitutional democracy through the delivery of free and fair elections in which every voter is able to record his or her informed choice. Mission The Electoral Commission is an independent and impartial permanent body created by the Constitution to promote and strengthen constitutional democracy in South Africa through the delivery of free and fair elections at all levels of government.
Organisational Values To enable the Commission to serve the needs of stakeholders, including the electorate, political parties, the media and permanent and temporary staff, the organisation subscribes to the following organizational values: Following best practices –Stopping all forms of waste –Driving for results and success –Planning and working so as to maximise the use of all inputs Being sensitive to race, culture, language, religion, disability and gender issues –Taking note of diversity in experience and ability –Caring and showing respect for others
Organisational Values (cont.) Being ethical, honest and truthful –Communicating in an open and honest way –Carrying out our work independently and impartially –Acting with integrity and opposing corruption –Promoting the image and credibility of the Electoral Commission Improving continuously –Maximising training and development opportunities –Supporting and inspiring each other –Fostering collaboration between teams and team members –Fostering achievement of common goals
Strategic Plan The strategic plan: (a)Was developed after consultative process (b)Covers a period of three years (c)Includes the measurable objectives, expected outcomes, programme outputs, indicators (measures) and targets of the institution’s programmes (d)Includes budget in respect of strategic objectives (e)Will form the basis for the annual report Procedures will be established for quarterly reporting to the executive authority to facilitate effective performance monitoring, evaluation and corrective action
Strategic Objectives 1.To interact nationally and internationally with relevant bodies in order to strengthen electoral democracy and position the Commission as a continuously improving world-class organisation 2.To develop, implement and monitor strategy and policy to ensure the effective and efficient functioning of the Commission 3.To optimize voter registration opportunities to achieve an accurate, comprehensive and up-to-date national voters’ roll 4.To efficiently and effectively facilitate the participation of political parties and candidates in the electoral process on a continuous basis
Strategic Objectives 5.To provide electoral operational systems and infrastructure to support the delivery of credible elections in accordance with election timeframes 6.To plan and implement strategies to educate, inform and coordinate programme delivery of civic and democracy education to civil society through partnerships, research and knowledge management on a continuous basis 7.To ensure professional and enabling business processes and corporate services to support the core business of the Electoral Commission
Strategic Objective 1 To interact nationally and internationally with relevant bodies in order to strengthen electoral democracy and position the Commission as a continuously improving world-class organisation Area of Responsibility: Commission Services Engage in national liaison –Reporting to Portfolio Committee on proposed legislation amendments and management of elections –Managing four elections of other institutions per province
Strategic Objective 1 (cont.) Engage in international liaison –Participate in two technical assistance programmes –Observe elections in four countries –Participate in two study tours to other countries –Host six international delegations –Participate in two meetings of each of SADC ECF, International IDEA, the AAEA, the AU, the Commonwealth Facilitate one briefing session for elections observers and one briefing session with members of the diplomatic corps
Strategic Objective 2 To develop, implement and monitor strategy and policy to ensure the effective and efficient functioning of the Commission Area of Responsibility: Office of the CEO; Internal Audit Develop and review policies in HR, Financial Services, Electoral Operations, ICT and Outreach Develop framework for whistleblowers and establish the anonymous fraud prevention facility Develop and adopt a strategic plan and operational plan Monitor implementation of strategic plan through review of monthly and quarterly report and publication of annual report Three meetings of Audit Committee
Strategic Objective 3 To optimize voter registration opportunities to achieve an accurate, comprehensive and up-to-date national voters’ roll Area of Responsibility: Registration, Delimitation and Infrastructure registered voter on the voters’ roll by the end of the financial year 100% of voters correctly registered Voters’ roll checked against National Population Register monthly Up to voting stations secured and functionally equipped per registration and election event
Strategic Objective 4 To efficiently and effectively facilitate the participation of political parties and candidates in the electoral process on a continuous basis Area of Responsibility: Party Liaison Party Liaison Committee (PLC) meetings held at national, provincial and municipal levels Ward by-elections held within 90 days of declaration of vacancies Proportional representation seat vacancies filled within 35 days of declaration of results
Strategic Objective 5 To provide electoral operational systems and infrastructure to support the delivery of credible elections in accordance with election timeframes Area of Responsibility: Logistics and Infrastructure 100% availability of warehouses, storage facilities and distribution services to support electoral events Local office infrastructure secured in terms of municipal agreements or IEC procurement processes 100% MEOs appointed for electoral events Publication of results within 7 days of elections Mediators deployed to manage election conflicts within 24 hours
Strategic Objective 6 To plan and implement strategies to educate, inform and coordinate programme delivery of civic and democracy education to civil society through partnerships, research and knowledge management on a continuous basis Area of Responsibility: Civic and Democracy Education Plan, promote and facilitate the implementation of civic and democracy education programmes – interventions –6 million copies (11 official languages, Braille and large font, plain language) of illustrated booklets distributed –6 million pamphlets distributed –61 OPCs recruited and trained
Strategic Objective 6 (cont.) Facilitate and support institutionalisation of CDE in formal curriculum –54 interventions across GET, FET and HET –One national intervention for higher education institutions –2 000 copies of Make Your Mark manuals Strengthen collaboration with stakeholders for advancing CDE –One national CSO forum and nine provincial CSO forums Implement multi-media education –Three TV programmes, including a democracy drama series, a talk show and a documentary –Three TV “fillers” –Three talk shows on 13 national and regional radio stations –Three radio “fillers”
Strategic Objective 6 (cont.) Implement multi-media education (cont.) – hits on X for Democracy website –Six outside broadcasts –25 community radio stations delivering CDE content to two million listeners Area of Responsibility: Research and Knowledge Management Undertake and promote research on electoral democracy –Two research projects regarding electoral democracy conducted –Two conferences / forums / workshops with external stakeholders
Strategic Objective 6 (cont.) Establish and maintain a library, museum and resource centre –Library collection increased by materials annually –6 000 electronic records filed annually – hard copy records filed annually –3 000 photographs archived annually –Institutional artwork collection acquired Area of Responsibility: Communications Promote interactive employee engagement –Four staff events and 11 issues of internal newsletter Enhance institutional branding and event management –336 copies of corporate identity manual produced –Nine provincial and three election-related events organised
Strategic Objective 6 (cont.) Facilitate collaboration with the media –10 national media training workshops; 10 media briefings; 10 media releases –700 billboards; posters; 3 million flyers Produce publications –Four issues of external newsletter –2 000 copies of Annual Report Establish an efficient call centre –80% of all calls made to be answered in less than 20 seconds –90% of queries resolved by front-line agents –Escalated queries resolved within less than 60 minutes –Dropped call rate to be less than 3%
Strategic Objective 7 To ensure professional and enabling business processes and corporate services to support the core business of the Electoral Commission –Sub-objective 7.1: To recruit and retain competent, professional human resources and continuously train and develop them to deliver on the Commission’s mandate (Human Resource; Training and Skills Development) –Sub-objective 7.2: To provide appropriate infrastructure and ensure a secure and productive working environment (Support Services) –Sub-objective 7.3: To manage the adequate appropriation of funds and to ensure compliance with the financial policy framework of the Electoral Commission (Budgets, RPPF and Compliance Verification; Procurement and Asset Management; Financial Services) –Sub-objective 7.4: To develop and provide enabling technology that is aligned to core business and ensure accessibility, user-friendliness and an up-to-date and secure ICT environment (ICT) –Sub-objective 7.5: To ensure that the Commission acts within applicable Constitutional and legislative imperatives (Legal Services)
Strategic Objective 7 (cont.) Area of Responsibility: Human Resource HR strategy and plan approved by 31 March 2011 Reduce staff turnover and vacancy rate –Vacancies filled within four months of approved request Coordinate the implementation of performance management in the organisation –100% adherence to approved policy Develop, implement and monitor programmes and processes to ensure employee / employer well-being, conduct and stakeholder relations –EAP and HIV / AIDS programme approved by 31 May 2010 –Disciplinary, grievance, CCMA and Labour Court cases reported on two days subsequent to receipt of outcome / judgment
Strategic Objective 7 (cont.) Area of Responsibility: Training and Skills Development Conduct and administer skills development for permanent staff –40% of staff trained on updated skills training and development programme –All new employees inducted within three weeks of appointment Conduct training for electoral staff –100% of electoral staff trained by 30 March 2011 –User-friendly training material developed and distributed by 30 June 2010 Area of Responsibility: Support Services Provision of auxiliary services for national and provincial offices –100% compliance with OHSA Ensure the physical security of employees and assets at the IEC –Guarding and access control services at IEC premises for the protection of employees and assets Management of pool vehicles –Well-maintained and roadworthy vehicles at all times –Vehicles evaluated and replaced as per replacement policy
Strategic Objective 7 (cont.) Area of Responsibility: Budgets, RPPF and Compliance Verification Maintain a budget and project charter framework for the organisation –Implementation of revised and approved framework by 30 January 2011 –Budgets and projects aligned by 31 March 2010 –Submission of MTEF plans by 31 July 2010 –Draft ENE submitted within the first two weeks of December Ensure adherence to the Represented Political Party Fund Act -Allocation of funds to qualifying political parties in April, July, October -Financial statements submitted by 30 June Annual Report submitted to Parliament within 30 days after the final audit report is received from the A-G
Strategic Objective 7 (cont.) Area of Responsibility: Procurement and Asset Management Adhere to procurement legislation and internal policies and procedures -New SCM directives or practice notes received and reviewed monthly -Reviews and alignment of internal policies by end of March Adhere to asset management legislation and internal policies and procedures -Policy review completed by end of January -Asset register is updated and maintained on a daily basis -Quarterly asset verification is executed and discrepancies resolved
Strategic Objective 7 (cont.) Area of Responsibility: Financial Services Adhere to financial legislation –Reconciliations finalised by the 10 th of each month –Payments made within the prescribed 30-day period –Annual Financial Statements submitted by 31 May 2010 Maintain relations and ensure cooperation with auditors –Receive audit queries, provide responses and submit to A-G within agreed timelines –Report monthly on corrective action taken Maintain internal financial policies and procedures -Revised financial directives and standard operating procedures in place by end of February 2010
Strategic Objective 7 (cont.) Area of Responsibility: Information and Communication Technology Develop and maintain applications -Asset management system developed and implemented on PBSU by June Enhanced LGE results system available by January Upload all scanned REC1 images into database and link individual image to VRS data by July 2010 GIS Maintenance and Support -Service both internal and external map requests promptly and accurately -Produce, print and dispatch working maps by October 2010
Strategic Objective 7 (cont.) Area of Responsibility: Information and Communication Technology (cont.) Infrastructure maintenance and network management –Install and configure new SAN and migrate existing data from April to December 2010 –UPSs installed at PEO offices by June 2010 –Maintain a 99% network availability –Relocate disaster recovery site to a distance more than 35 km from national office by September 2010
Strategic Objective 7 (cont.) Area of Responsibility: Legal Services Draft and publish legal notices –Draft legal notices with regard to elections and by-elections within five days of having received the request –Publish notices that have been amended and approved by the Commission within five days of receipt thereof Institute and defend legal proceedings –Appoint and brief attorneys within five days of receiving a summons against the Commission –Brief attorneys within 10 days of having received instructions to commence action against a party
Strategic Objective 7 (cont.) Draft and vet contracts –Return general contracts submitted for analysis and vetting within 10 days to user department Provide legal advice and opinions –Submit internal legal opinion to user department within 10 days of having received request –Submit external legal opinion to user department within 14 days of having received the request
Budget in Respect of Strategic Objectives Strat Object #2010/112011/122012/13 Strat Object 1 R R R Strat Object 2 R R R Strat Object 3 R R R Strat Object 4 R R R Strat Object 5 R R R Strat Object 6 R R R Strat Object 7 R R R Prov AdministrationR R R Total : R R R
End of Presentation Discussions & Questions