Today we are learning about the development of the African and Indian independence movements
Movements towards Independence in Africa Fighting in WWI on Allied side- want independence German colonies awarded to GB & FR (mandates- L of N) Become politically active New ideas of freedom & nationalism Missionary schools taught about ○ Liberty ○ equality
Kenya (1921) Protest against high taxes placed by GB Leader arrested Libya (1920s) Used guerrilla warfare against Italians IT reaction: ○ Concentration camps ○ Modern weapons Reforms Too little, too late By 1930s – AF leaders calling for independence, not reform
New Leaders edu in Europe & USA W.E.B. DuBois African American Harvard grad. Wanted to make Africans aware of cultural heritage Marcus Garvey Jamaican (lived in Harlem) ○ Stressed the need for African unity
Jomo Kenyatta Kenyan British rule destroying traditional culture Leopold Senghor Studied in FR Organized an independence movement in Senegal Nnamdo Azikiwe Nigeria Published a newspaper Supported non-violent method of gaining indep.
Mohandas Gandhi Pre- WWI Push for Indian self-rule Post WWI Used methods of civil disobedience violent protest ○ Gandhi retreated ○ Imprisoned for role in protests against British Why?
Government of India Act (1935) Expended the role of Indians in the governing process Two house parliament 2/3 of which were Indian 5 million Indians given the right to vote Small percentage of the total pop.
A Push for Independence Indian National Congress (1885) Purpose -Seek reforms INC under leadership of Motilal Nehru Push for full independence of GB Gandhi – released from prison Informed ordinary Indians of his beliefs Pushed for nonviolence campaign “Don’t pay your taxes, send your children to an English supported school…Make your own cotton cloth, and don’t buy British made goods. Provide yourself with homemade salt, do not buy gov. made salt.” BR. Govt then prohibited the making or harvesting of salt by Indian people. Reading –the Salt march (pg 562)
New leaders, New Problems Jawaharlal Nehru – 1930s- entered the movement Studied law in GB New kind of politician – upper class & intellectual Independence mvmt in 2 paths Gandhi’s – religious, traditional, Indian Nehru’s – secular, Western, and modern
Hindus v. Muslims Muslims dissatisfied with Hindu INC dominance Muhammad Ali Jinnah Believe in the creation of a separate Muslim state of Pakistan in the Northwest