Lending for the Environment and Natural Resources
Technical Cooperations for the Environment and Natural Resources
Total Environmental Loans Per Sector from 1992 to 2001 (in millions of U.S. dollars)
Total Amount Devoted to Environmental Technical Cooperations Per Sector, (in U.S. dollars)
Box 3 Services of the IDB Group Public Sector: Loans: new projects and reformulations of existing operations Technical cooperation: reimbursable and nonreimbursable Regional technical cooperation: nonreimbursable - GEF Financing Private Sector: Loans and technical cooperation Equity investments Risk capital investment funds Subordinated loans Small business venture capital funds Underwriting share and security issues Financial Services Technical advice and dissemination of “best practices” Environmental screening of Bank financed projects Support to national policy dialogue Organization of conferences at national and international levels Inter- and extra-regional exchanges Resource mobilization and donor coordination Professional Services Innovation loans Multi-phase programs Sectoral financing Project preparation and execution facilities New Flexible Financing Instruments
IDB: A PROPOSED Biodiversity IDB: A PROPOSED Biodiversity Mission Statement Mission Statement “ The Bank seeks to accelerate the conservation and sustainable use of diversity in Latin America and the Caribbean through continuos improvement of its existing financial mechanisms, strong technical assistance programs, value-added partnerships with biodiversity’s multiple stakeholders, civil society participation and knowledgeable and dedicated staff”.
Financing Biodiversity Financing Biodiversity Conservation Conservation ¤ Strategic Framework A Clear Mission Statement Do No Harm Apply Emerging Tool and Resources Build Capacity, Promote Demand Find Financing Partners and Form Strategic Partnerships.