MASTERING ACADEMIC SUCCESS Presented by Audrey Moore & Tamira Palmetto
OVERVIEW Understanding Your Academic Record Evaluating Your Situation Creating SMART Goals Developing a Plan of Action
Understanding Your Academic Record Define Your Academic Standing Calculate Your GPA Strategies for Improving GPA
Academic Standing Refer to Page 2 in your booklet. Academic Probation I: – A student who has attempted at least 12 semester units of AVC credit shall be placed on academic probation when the earned GPA in all units attempted at AVC is less than 2.0. – The student must complete an Online Probation Workshop which includes submission of the completed Probation Contract.
Academic Standing Academic Probation II: – A student who has attempted 12 or more units of AVC credit and has a cumulative GPA of less than 2.0 for two consecutive semesters. – The student must attend the Mastering Academic Success workshop.
Academic Standing Academic Dismissal – The earned GPA in all units attempted at Antelope Valley College is less than 2.0 in each of three consecutive semesters. – An Academic Dismissal Appeal form must be completed by the student. The form must be submitted to Counseling. This form will be evaluated by a committee. Once a decision has been made, you will be notified.
Calculate GPA
Strategies for Improving GPA Please refer to page 4 & 5 Course Repetition Dropping a Class Academic Renewal Possible Disadvantages
Professor Dorothy Williams Study Behaviors Inventory
You Deserve Les Brown
Evaluating Your Situation “You Deserve” discussion – Toxic People – Responsibility & Accountability – Preparedness Five reasons that will keep you strong.
Evaluating Your Situation Activities – Late Paper – Choices of Successful Students (on your own) – Self-Reflection (on your own) – After Math (on your own)
Creating SMART Goals Who are you right now? What do you hope to accomplish? What are you strengths and weaknesses? What patterns (ways of thinking and behaviors) are need to change to achieve your goals? What obstacles do you see? Time Frames All Areas of Life
Testing Conceptual Procedural Declarative
Part II Best Solutions – REPEAT, REPEAT, REPEAT Time Management – Prioritize – Franklin Covey
RECAP Academic Appeal Petition – September 12, 2011 Next Step = Academic Dismissal Follow-up appointment Ed Plan