Pop, Pop, Pop By A. Walker, J. Owens, C. Carpenter, K. Goetz
Question Does the quality ( number of unpopped kernels) differ between brands?
Hypothesis Yes, as a class we believe that Act 2 will pop the best, and Shur Fine brand will have the most unpopped kernels.
Step By Step Directions 1. Open one brand of popcorn. 2. Put in microwave. 3. Press popcorn button on microwave and press start button. 4. Remove from microwave, cool, open, and place popped kernels in bowl. 5. Pour unpopped kernels on paper plate, count, and record. 6. Repeat steps 1-5 with second package of same brand. 7. Repeat steps 1-6 for each of the other 3 brands.
Materials Popcorn (4 brands Act 2 Kettle Corn, Shurfine, Orville Redenbacher, Pop- Secret) Microwave 4 Bowls 8 Paper Plates
Control & Variable Control Our control is the amount of time the popcorn is popped in the microwave. Variable Our variable is the name of the brands.
Results Orville Redenbacher had the fewest amount of unpopped kernels, and Pop- Secret has the most unpopped kernels.
Conclusion Yes, we were correct that the brand does make a difference. We were incorrect in that Act 2 had the fewest unpopped kernels. Instead, Orville Redenbacher had the fewest amount of unpopped kernels. Pop Secret had the most unpopped kernels.