Owl Pellet Investigation
Can you identify what an owl ate from the contents of an owl’s pellet? Question
Research Using 3 complete sentences, summarize what you learned from the research article. Using 3 complete sentences, summarize what you learned from the research article.
Hypothesis If I dissect an owl pellet, then… If I dissect an owl pellet, then…
Experiment Safety: The owl pellet you are dissecting has been dried and fumigated. It has been sterilized and does not contain any disease carrying organisms. Safety: The owl pellet you are dissecting has been dried and fumigated. It has been sterilized and does not contain any disease carrying organisms. Make sure pellets remain on paper plates Make sure pellets remain on paper plates Wash hands upon completion! Wash hands upon completion!
Experiment Read it….do it Read it….do it Complete data chart Complete data chart Organize the bones into groups and re - construct the evidence Organize the bones into groups and re - construct the evidence
Procedure 1. Open your owl pellet. 2. Observe and measure the owl pellet and record your measurements and observations on your data sheet. 3. Using your tools, gently break the owl pellet and carefully separate the bones, skull, fur, and feathers. 4. Organize the bones into groups and record the number of bones found. 5. Use the skeleton guide to try to fit the bones together to make skeletons. 6. Mount your skeleton on the card stock provided. 7. Identify the type of animal and give him/her a name.
CLEAN UP! Put your group # on your plates Put your group # on your plates Leave the toothpick & foil on the plates Leave the toothpick & foil on the plates Stack one plate on top of the other. Stack one plate on top of the other. Return all other materials to cart Return all other materials to cart –Pointy probe –Blunt probe –Tweezers –Ruler –Bone Charts Place your group’s plates in the bottom cabinet under the “Lab group 2” sign Place your group’s plates in the bottom cabinet under the “Lab group 2” sign Wash your hands! Wash your hands!
CLEAN UP! Place your group’s plates w/ card in the bottom cabinet Place your group’s plates w/ card in the bottom cabinet Throw away toothpicks & foil Throw away toothpicks & foil Return all other materials to basket in center of table Return all other materials to basket in center of table –Pointy probe –Blunt probe –Tweezers –Ruler –Bone Charts –Glue Wash your hands! Wash your hands!
Procedure 1. Organize the bones into groups and record the number of bones found. 2. Use the skeleton guide to try to fit the bones together to make skeletons. 3. Mount your skeleton on the card stock provided. 4. Identify the type of animal and label. Be sure to animal and label. Be sure to put your names on the back. put your names on the back. Rodent
Conclusion Answer the following in the form of a paragraph. Answer the following in the form of a paragraph. –Was your hypothesis correct? Why or why not? –What did your owl consume? –Assuming you collect all the owl pellets dropped from an owl for a year, what information could be obtained from the owl pellets?
Analysis 1. Write a paragraph that describes how the prey was captured. Your paragraph can be from the perspective of the predator or the prey. 2. Construct a diagram of a food web (use at least 5 animals) with an owl at the uppermost trophic level. Use an arrow to show which organism is receiving the energy. 3. If you were a farmer, explain why it could be beneficial to have a barn owl? (Provide at least 3 supportive details)