Voice Controlled Bot ITSP 2012
Idea To make a bot which will follow speech instructions The instructions will be simple like : “start, stop, left, right, back” We plan to extend the idea to more complicated commands.
Plan We will use the “EasyVR” voice recognition module for speech recognition. We are using Arduino shield to transfer commands to the Arduino board from the EasyVR module. The Arduino will then drive the Motor circuit. We are currently working on the efficient Bridge program to connect EasyVR and Arduino
MicEasyVR Arduino Shield
Arduino Board Motor Driver Circuit Motor
Bot with EasyVR
EasyVR and the Motor Driver Circuit
The EasyVR command window
To Do To work on the various command inputs of EasyVR To learn and implement the coding for speech recognition To code the Arduino board according to the EasyVR code. To work for the synchronised working of all the components of the bot.