Unrest was fueled by › Continuous food shortages › Military Setbacks › Rumors of Royalist Conspiracies
The Monarchy Ends in 1792 Georges Danton- Newly appointed Minister of Justice Rumors begin spreading –imprisoned nobles and other traitors were conspiring to defeat the revolution › Violence Erupts in the streets –leaving thousands dead › A new leader emerges – Jean-Paul Marat – Published the radical journal, Friend of the People
After 1789 – Citizens form political clubs. › Girondins Club- Feared the mobs and leaned toward keeping the king alive › Jacobins Club- Wanted the king executed Mountain – Represented the interests of radicals in Paris. King is beheaded on the guillotine.
Pressure to adopt more radical measures: Price controls on food, Universal Male Suffrage A coalition from Austria, Spain, Prussia, Portugal, Britain, and the Dutch Republic take up arms against France Looked like the revolution could be destroyed
The National Convention gives the Committee of Public Safety broad powers. › Dominated by Georges Danton then by › Maximilien Robespierre (Jacobin) For a Year the Committee of Public Safety took control of the government Committee adopted policies that became known as the Reign of Terror
Throughout France 40,000 people were killed 16,000 Killed by the Guillotine Most were killed in towns that had openly rebelled against the convention The Guillotine The Guillotine
In 1793 two women founded the Society for Revolutionary Republican Women in Paris. Wanted to defend the Republic. Men thought women should not participate in politics or military
The convention pursued a policy to de- Christianize Believed religion encouraged superstition The word saint was removed from street names Churches were looted and closed by army's Priests were encouraged to marry The Cathedral of Notre Dame was changed into a temple of reason Adopted a new calendar – Would no longer number years from the birth of Christ Month Names were changed to refer to agriculture and climate
Foreign troops gathered on Frances Border Committee of Republic issued a decree to raise and army French government raised a huge army in less than a year Over a million soldiers Pushed back the imposing countries
Robespierre was obsessed with ridding France of all corrupt elements Law 22 –Gave him even more power to execute Finally Deputies in the National Convention decided to act. (They were afraid of him) Gathered enough votes to have him executed Jacobins start to lose power after Robespierres execution Moderate middle-class leaders take control Reign of Terror comes to a halt
More Conservative government Churches are allowed to re-open New Constitution in created Set up two legislative houses (To prevent them to use too much) Continue having division in government – Start to rely on military One military leader turns on them- Napolean Bonaparte. › Toppled the Directory in a Coup d’etat (A sudden overthrow of the government