Q6: what's have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing your product?
Research + Planning Stage I used Google Search to help me do my presentation on the thriller genre and the historical aspects. I also used IMDB to look at some films in more detail. We also had the college VLE were we could find links to OTS that out teacher had put on and PowerPoint presentations to help us with our thriller research. This helped us know what order to put our research in and how to write it. I also used YouTube to watch online clips of thriller films. Whist doing age rating for films I used BBFC to find out how they set ratings for films. I used PowerPoint to make my thriller research on and for other pieces of work that I did in preparation for filming. We used a Flip Video Ultra to record out OTS pitches to the class. We used Word to write down all out initial ideas and other research pieces. We presented all our work on the Quack Blogging system.Google Search IMDBcollege VLEYouTubeBBFCQuack Blogging
Filming Stage For filming our Prelim and out OTS we used a SONY HC7 (silver). Every time we filmed in a new location we had the set the exposure, white balance and focus to ensure that we could get the best picture you can. Whilst filming our Prelim, we were able to practice out continuity filming ready for our OTS. In our prelim we used a Boom to record our short dialogue scene. Then when it came to our OTS, we had recorded ambient sounds but we decided not to sure them. We wanted out sound track to create the emotion for us. We used Incompetch to get soundtracks four our OTS and we used Google to find sound affects.IncompetchGoogle We got our titles from Dafont, we chose the font that best suited the type of film we were doing.Dafont
Post Production To edit our OTS, we used Adobe Premiere on mac. We were able to make all our flash backs in black and white and edit the contract on the current time shots to make the atmosphere dark and eerie and let the audience know that it’s not going to be a happy film. We was able to import our selected font so that we could use the title creator in Adobe Premiere and we could put the titles anywhere we wanted and get them to fade in and out with the shots. We edited to different sound tracks together as one. The first one sent to mood as being sad, something has happened in the woods and the girl can’t help but think of what happened that day, then the music changes to show that the atmosphere has changed and something went on in that woods that only she knows.