Obj: I will review the key concepts and vocabulary of the sex education unit
Journal Write: Review of Sex Ed Write in complete sentences. Part 1: Describe at least three concepts that you found valuable from the sex education unit? Part 2: With your partner, discuss the three concepts that you found valuable from the sex education unit. Your partner will tell you the three concepts that they found valuable. Add two more key concepts to your journal so that you have a total of 5 key concepts, ideas or valuable facts from the sex education unit.
Class Discussion Reflect on the following questions: How do I show affection in a loving relationship? How do I want the guy/girl to express their love to me?
True or False Game As a class, decide which of the following statements are True or False.
Review Students will present their goanimate movies or choice board product as a review of key concepts from the sex education unit. After presenting the movie or product, complete the self-assessment.
White Board Review Game
Question 1 What form of contraception is this? How often does a girl need to remember to get this form of contraception? What does it protect against?
Answer The Shot 3 months Pregnancy
Question 2 What form is more effective against pregnancy?
Answer Implanon
Question 3 What form of contraception can a person buy at the drug store without a doctor’s prescription?
Answer Spermicide
Question 4 What is the name of this form of contraception? Does a person need a doctor’s prescription to buy it? How long after sex should a person wait to take it out? What does it protects against?
Answer Sponge No 6 hours Pregnancy
Question 5 What is the name of this form of contraception? How long is it effective for? What does it help to protect against?
Answer IUD 5-10 years Pregnancy
Question 6 What is the name of this form of contraception? How long is it kept in the vagina before removed? What does it protect against?
Answer Vaginal Ring 3 weeks Pregnancy
Question 7 What is the name of this form of contraception? How long is it worn before a new one is put on? What does it help to protect against?
Answer Patch 1 week Pregnancy
Question 8 What two forms of contraception can be used at the same time?
Answer Hormonal form + Sponge
Question 9 What two forms of contraception can be used at the same time?
Answer Hormonal form + condom
Question 10 What is the name of this permanent operation? What does it protect against? Is it 100% effective?
Answer Sterilization Pregnancy No
Question 11 What form of contraception is 100% effective against pregnancy and STDs?
Answer Abstinence
Question 12 What form of contraception is used after unprotected intercourse to prevent pregnancy?
Answer Morning After Pill
Question 13 Sade just got married!!! She wants to wait two years until they consider having children. She just started taking birth control pills. How long should she wait until she has unprotected sex with her husband? A. 1 week B. 2 weeks C. 5 weeks D. 1 year
Answer C
Question 14 List 5 qualities of a healthy relationship?
Answer Check notes for list
Question 15 List 5 qualities of an unhealthy relationship?
Answer Check notes for list
Question 16 List two sexually transmitted diseases that can not be cured?
Answer HIV Herpes Genital Warts
Question 17 A. What STD appears as bumps on the sex organs or mouth? There is no cure. B. What STD appears as blisters on the sex organs or mouth? There is no cure.
Answer Genital Warts Genital Herpes
Question 18 What two STDs can damage a person’s reproductive system?
Answer Gonorrhea Chlamydia
Question 19 A. What STD can be cured and looks like a white, watery drip from the penis? It will damage a person’s reproductive organs. B. What STD can be cured and looks like a greenish drip from the penis? It will damage a person’s reproductive organs.
Answer Chlamydia Gonorrhea
Question 20 What STD appears as a small painless sore on the sex organs or mouth? If gone uncured, a person will get a rash or flu-like symptoms. Eventually, this STD can cause brain damage, heart disease, and death.
Answer Syphilis
Question 21 Sally just found out that Jeff has HIV. In their two month of dating, they kissed, chewed the same gum, shared a beer, slept in the same bed, and he touched her breasts. Did Sally contract HIV?
Answer No
Question 22 What four fluids carry HIV?
Answer Blood Seminal Fluid Vaginal Fluid Breast Milk
Question 23 What four behaviors transfer HIV?
Answer Unprotected oral sex Unprotected vaginal sex Unprotected anal sex Sharing needles Breast feeding
Question 24 At what age can a person legally consent to sex in NC?
Answer 16
Question 25 Is it legal for a 16 year old to have sex with a 19 year old in North Carolina? What is the name of this state law?
Answer Yes Consent Law
Question 26 Is it legal for an 18 year old to have sex with a 21 year old?
Answer Yes
Question 27 James (age 24) and Jessie (age 25) were caught having sex at a local park. What is the name of the law that they broke?
Answer Privacy Law
Question 28 Michael is being charged with rape. He had sex with Joanna, who was too drunk to consent to sex. What is the name of the law that he broke?
Answer Sexually Assault and Battery Law (Rape)
Question 29 David and Joan have been dating for 3 years. He is very demanding and often makes her feel very small and unimportant. What form of abuse is this?
Question 29 Emotional Abuse
Question 30 Sammy and Silvia have been dating for 1 year. Lately, Sammy has starting to become very aggressive with Silvia. He forcefully grabs her and pushes her around. Last night, he forced her to have sex. What are the two forms of abuse?
Question 30 Sexual abuse Physical abuse
Question 31 What are 4 consequences of early sexual behavior?
Answer 31 Get a STD Become pregnant Increase risk of cervical cancer Stress in a relationship Additional emotional attachment which to lead to depression after a break-up Disappoint self and family Can interfere with the development of a healthy relationship
Question 32 What are three skills or strategies that promote abstinence?
Answer 32 Good communication Analyzing Influences Good decision making skills Goal setting
Question 33 Where two places to get tested and treatment for STDs?
Answer 33 Health Department Doctor’s Office
Question 34 How can I reduce my risk of sexual assault?
Answer 34 Do not use alcohol or drugs Be aware of your surroundings Use the buddy system Walk with confidence Avoid walking alone. Lock car and house doors Be assertive