D. The Voting Rights Act , 70, 75, 82 brought federal gov’t directly into the electoral process in the states: a. Used to ensure that minorities voting rights (particularly blacks in the South) would be protected.b.
Sec.4: Nonvoters A. Current limitations to voting 1. Citizenship: Arkansas was last state to allow non-citizens to vote (1924) 2. Residency: Allows newcomers to state time to become familiar w/ issues and candidates; prevents out-of state voters influencing elections. – a) Voting Rights Act 1970: 30 day period. – b) NM has no residency requirements
3. Age: must be 18 years (states can go lower) 4. Registration: prevents voter fraud, can’t vote twice. a.Voter Reg. is Permanent: a voter remains on list unless he dies, moves, changes parties, or fails to vote within a certain number of years. b.North Dakota is only state that does not require registration. 5.Legal Disenfranchisement: Not allowed to vote due to legal status: convicts, mentally incompetent.
B. Nonvoting 1. Causes for low voter turnout throughout US History. a. Reasons beyond voters’ control. b. Difficult registration procedures c. Residency Requirements: More Americans moving. d. Complex Election Issues e. one-party domination in some regions (solid south)
f. Unappealing candidates: negative short- term forces. g. Voter alienation: the system doesn’t work (Watergate) h. Voter apathy i. South’s position towards blacks. j. Add new voters, turnout goes down k. loss of party functions l. secret ballot m. People are content
C. Profile of voters vs. nonvoters 1. Citizens who regularly vote possess similar characteristics. Including positive attitudes towards gov’t. GROUPS
D. Proposals to increase voter turnout 1. Move Election Day 2. Allow voters to register on Election Day 3. National Registration system. 4. Fine citizens who have no valid excuse for voting. 5. Allow voters to participate directly: – a.Initiative: Voters propose/vote on a law. – b.Referendum: Voters approve/veto a state leg. law – c.Recall: Voters remove elected officials. 6. Nat’l Voter Reg Law passed to make it easier
E. Miscellaneous 1. Australian Ballot: Secret ballot (1856) 2. Absentee ballot: Allows 1 to vote if they aren’t in the state at election time (apply) 3. Office-block ballot: Prints all candidates running for the same office together. 4. Party Column Ballot: Puts all DEM candidates in 1 column, all REP in another.
5. Major Voting trends over the last 30 years a. Erosion of party loyal: less party Iders/ Split- ticket voting increased. b. Increase in political apathy: people more distrustful of gov’t. d. Lower voter turnout (between 50-55%)