PREPARED BY: Larry Ryan & Ciara McCarthy J.5299 Healthy Eyes A Nationally Survey Prepared for May 2014
3 ● This research was conducted for The Federation of Opticians (FODO) in May 2014 to explore perceptions of the importance of eye tests and establish what proportion of the Irish population has had a test lately. ● Research was undertaken by Behaviour & Attitudes using a nationally representative Barometer (Omnibus) survey. The fieldwork was completed between the 1 st – 14 th of May ● Each B&A Barometer is based on a nationally representative quota sample of 1,008 adults (aged 16 years and over) with a fresh sample used per fortnightly survey. All interviewing is carried out face-to-face in the respondents’ homes, and the data is recorded on computer by the interviewer. The interview is syndicated (i.e. multi-topic) although each section is confidential to its commissioning client. Interviewing is conducted across 63 separate sampling locations per survey with these points chosen randomly within a population-representative regional grid. Respondents are selected on the basis of quota controls relating to gender, age and social class within region – to ensure that the resultant sample is a microcosm of the national adult population. Quota controls are based on the most recent Census statistics for the national population. Background, Objectives & Research Procedure
4 Highlights Prioritise eye health over ‘lifestyle’ procedures Eye test less often Never had one Eye test every 2 years 48% have ‘bad eyesight’ 24% with a smartphone or tablet struggle with eye strain
5 Findings
6 Importance of Eye Tests Base: All adults 16+ 1,008/3,551,000 % When asked to personally prioritise a series of health ‘treatments’, most place much greater focus on eye tests. Q.1Firstly assuming each of these items cost the same … which ONE, of the following, do you consider most important? *=Less than 0.5%
7 Eye Test Prioritisation X Demographics Base: All adults 16+ 1,008/3,551,000 All Adults GenderAge Social ClassAreaEye Health MaleFemale U ABC1C2DEF UrbanRural No impair- ment Any Impair- ment %%%%%%%% An eye test Vitamins Spa Treatment Home Teeth Whitening Kit Celebrity Fitness DVD Diet Pills None of these Vitamins and spa treatments may offer more allure for some younger adults, but with the onset of age there is much greater preference of eye tests. Q.1Firstly assuming each of these items cost the same … which ONE, of the following, do you consider most important?
8 Prioritisation of Eye Test X Level of Vision Base: All adults 16+ 1,008/3,551,000 All Adults Level of Vision Think I have 20/20 vision but have not had eye test in last 2 years Eye test in last 2 years confirmed have 20/20 vision Wear glasses/ lenses for some tasks but prescription is over 2 years old Wear glasses/lense s constantly but prescription is over 2 years old Wear glasses/lense s for some tasks and prescription is up-to-date Wear glasses/lense s constantly and prescription is up-to-date Partially sighted Registered blind Don’t know Base: *2*81 %%%%% An eye test Vitamins Spa Treatment Home Teeth Whitening Kit Celebrity Fitness DVD Diet Pills* None of these Q.1Assuming each of these items cost the same, which one would you consider most important? The differences are slight although current glasses wearers place slightly greater focus on eye tests. *NB: Small base size
9 Interest in Other Health Procedures Base: All adults 16+ 1,008/3,551,000 % Vitamins tend to come second after eye tests, but as many as 88% of all adults (7 out of 8) would place at least some value on an eye test. Q.1aAnd which of the others would you be interested in having at all? First choice 8% 3% 1% 81% 1% *% 5% Any Choice – First of Other 37% 19% 11% 88% 6% 2% 39%
10 Second Choice* X Demographics Base: All adults 16+ 1,008/3,551,000 All Adults GenderAge Social ClassArea MaleFemale U ABC1C2DEF UrbanRural %%%%%%% Vitamins Spa Treatment Home Teeth Whitening Kit An eye test Celebrity Fitness DVD Diet Pills None of these Interesting contrasts evident when examining differences by age: spa treatment and home teeth whitening kits reduce in importance with age whereas vitamins marginally grow in importance with age. Men and older adults more likely to feel that they wouldn’t value any of these. Q.1aAnd which of the others would you be interested in having at all? *NB: 81% had chose an eye test first
11 Eye Tests in Context (First and Other Choices Combined) Base: All Adults 16+ 1,008/3,551,000 All Adults GenderAgeSocial ClassArea MaleFemale ABC1C2DEFUrbanRural Base: %%%%%%% An eye test Vitamins Spa Treatment Home Teeth Whitening Kit Diet Pills Celebrity Fitness DVD None of these Q.1 Q.1a Assuming each of these items cost the same, which one would you consider most important? And which of the others would you be interested in having at all? Younger adults express more superficial and cosmetic needs: teeth whitening and spa trips are upweighted younger whereas older adults place more focus on eye tests. Women are 5 times more likely to nominate a spa treatment than men.
12 Eye Test Frequency X Demographics Base: All adults 16+ 1,008/3,551,000 All Adults GenderAge Social ClassAreaEye Health MaleFemale U ABC1C2DEF UrbanRural No Impair -ment Any Impair -ment % (000s) %%%%%%% Once a year or more At least every 2 years At least every 5 years Once every ten years I never go for an eye test Half the population say that they have had an eye test in the past 2 years. By 50 almost 2 in 3 are claiming to have a test every 2 nd year. This is as high as 4 in 5 for those with bad eyesight but just a quarter among those with good eyesight. Q.2Which of these best describes how often you go for an eye test (572,000) (1,192,000) (766,000) (261,000) (761,000)
13 Eye Test Frequency X Level of Vision Base: All adults 16+ 1,008/3,551,000 All Adults Level of Vision Think I have 20/20 vision but have not had eye test in last 2 years Eye test in last 2 years confirmed have 20/20 vision Wear glasses/ lenses for some tasks but prescription is over 2 years old Wear glasses/lense s constantly but prescription is over 2 years old Wear glasses/lense s for some tasks and prescription is up-to-date Wear glasses/lense s constantly and prescription is up-to-date Partially sighted Registered blind Don’t know Base: *2*81 %%%%% Once a year or more At least every 2 years At least every 5 years Once in every ten years I never go for an eye test Q.2Which of these best describes how often you go for an eye test There is a direct relationship between frequency of eye tests and quality of vision. *NB: Small base size
14 What can eye tests detect? Base: All adults 16+ 1,008/3,551,000 % Almost 2 in 3 (61%) adults imagine that eye cancer could be detected during a simple eye test. However, knowledge that other conditions such as diabetes are detectable is much lower. Q.3Which of the following, if any, do you think can be detected during an eye test? Please code all that apply Eye Health Any Impairment No Impairment %
15 Perspective of Eye Tests x Demographics Base: All adults 16+ 1,008/3,551,000 All Adults GenderAgeSocial ClassArea MaleFemale ABC1C2DEFUrbanRural Base: %%%%%%% Eye cancer Diabetes High blood pressure Brain tumours High Cholesterol Depression Pregnancy None of these Don’t know Q.3Which of the following, if any, do you think can be detected during an eye test? Please code all that apply That an eye test might show up anything ‘else’ is a relatively alien notion to those that are younger in age.
16 Current Level of Vision Base: All adults 16+ 1,008/3,551,000 All Adults GenderAge Social ClassArea MaleFemale U ABC1C2DEF UrbanRural %%%%%%% I think I have 20/20 vision but I have not had an eye test in the last 2 years An eye test in the last 2 years has confirmed that I have 20/20 vision I wear glasses/contact lenses for some tasks but the prescription is over 2 years old I wear glasses/contact lenses constantly but the prescription is over 2 years old I wear glasses/contact lenses for some tasks and I know the prescription is up-to-date I wear glasses/contact lenses constantly and I know the prescription is up-to-date I am partially sighted I am registered blind Don’t know Q.4Which one of these, if any, best describes your level of vision? Half (48%) currently experience some sort of visual impairment. Younger adults are the least likely to have had an eye test within the past 2 years.
17 Smartphone Eye Strain X Demographics Base: All adults 16+ 1,008/3,551,000 All Adults GenderAge Social ClassAreaEye Health MaleFemale U ABC1C2DEF UrbanRural No Impair -ment Any Impair -ment %%%%%%%% No, I never experience eye strain Yes, experience after using my Smartphone/ tablet for 1 hour Yes, experience after using my Smartphone/ Tablet for 2 hours Yes, experience after using my Smartphone/ Tablet for 3 hours Don’t have a smartphone or tablet Almost 1 in 5 (18% or 24% of those with a smartphone or tablet) have previously experienced eye strain when using their smartphone/tablet. Those most likely to mention it are younger and female. It is quite possible that many who are visually impaired have avoided getting a smartphone or tablet. Q.5Do you experience eye strain when using your Smartphone/Tablet? 18%
18 Smartphone Eye Strain X Level of Vision Base: All adults 16+ 1,008/3,551,000 All AdultsLevel of Vision Eye test in last 2 years confirmed have 20/20 vision Think I have 20/20 vision but have not had eye test in last 2 years Wear glasses/ lenses for some tasks but prescription is over 2 years old Wear glasses/lenses constantly but prescription is over 2 years old Wear glasses/lenses for some tasks and prescription is up-to-date Wear glasses/lenses constantly and prescription is up-to-date Partially sighted Registered blind Don’t know Base: *2*81 %%%%% No, I never experience eye strain Yes, I experience eye strain after using my Smartphone/tablet for 1 hour Yes, I experience eye strain after using my Smartphone/Tablet for 2 hours Yes, I experience eye strain after using my Smartphone/Tablet for 3 hours Don’t have a smartphone or tablet Q.5Do you experience eye strain when using your Smartphone/Tablet? There is some evidence of a relationship between eye strain when tablets are used and having an out of date prescription. *NB: Small base size
19 Summary of Findings ● Almost 9 in 10 (88%) adults agree that an eye test is more important than taking vitamins (8%), getting a spa treatment (3%), purchasing a celebrity fitness DVD (1%), or a home teeth whitening kit (1%). ● Half of all adults indicate that they go for an eye test at least every two years. 1 in 5 have never had an eye test. These are mainly younger adults, from more working class backgrounds and people with ostensibly good eyes. ● 36% with good vision have never had an eye test. ● Almost 2 in 3 imagine that eye cancer could be detectable from a simple eye test. ● 48% of adults have a visual impairment of some sort, with the majority of these (25%) agreeing that they wear glasses/contact lenses and they know their prescription is up-to- date. ● 58% have never experienced eye strain when using a smartphone or tablet. Those who experience eye strain are mainly female and younger: a quarter of smartphone or tablet users experience some degree of eye strain.
20 Analysis of Sample Base: All adults 16+ 1,008/3,551,000 Gender % Age % Social Class % Region % Male Female U ABC1 C2DE F Dublin Leinster Munster Conn/Uls The structure of the sample reflects the quotas which are set for it.