Performance Measure Update
STRATEGIC PLAN Kentucky Community and Technical College System
Advance excellence and innovation in teaching, learning and service Increase student access, transfer and success Cultivate diversity, multiculturalism and inclusion Enhance the economic and workforce development of the Commonwealth Promote the recognition and value of KCTCS
Target Active Learning Student Effort Academic Challenge Student / Faculty Interaction Support for Learners Community College Student Survey of Student Engagement Benchmark Scores Definition: Average scores on CCSSE’s benchmarks of effective educational practice. Source: Community College Survey of Student Engagement
TARGET Definition: Annual number of credentials awarded in fields with (1) average salaries at or above the 75 th percentile and (2) growing at a rate greater than or equal to the state average, or exceeding 100 annual job openings. Source: CPE Official data, Kentucky Occupational Outlook to 2014
TARGET Definition: Percent of students with workforce non-credential academic plan who enroll as credential-seeking students or earn a credential within three academic years. Source: Official data as reported to CPE and KCTCS Students records.
Definition: Definition: Annual dollar amount (rounded to nearest $1,000) of financial contributions from grants, contracts, advancement, and other external sources, and endowment income. Source: KCTCS Offices of Advancement, Grants, and Contracts, and Treasury