Academic quality enhancement through institutional based mobility among ASEAN higher education institutions By A. Tjoa, T.A.M. Tilaar, S. Mustapa TADULAKO UNIVERSITY-CENTRAL SULAWESI
Tadulako University is located at Central Sulawesi, a state public University, has 8 faculties namely Education and teacher training, agricultural, Natural sciences inclusive medicine, Political and Social sciences, Economics, Law, engineering, and the newest is forestry faculty Presentation flows International/partnership participation in quality academic enhancement Important of Collaboration and Institutional based mobility Aims To build a sustain and institutional based collaboration if possible
Quality is the totality of features and characteristic of a product or service that bear on its ability to satisfy given needs Great value to stakeholders/customers
Academic quality encompasses activities and outcomes in all areas of “academic work” The scope of “academic work” includes teaching, research, scholarship, administration and service to the university and broader community Making sure that the quality is what it should be (enhancement of the quality from time to time is necessary)
Quality is a depended variable ManpowerMaterials/machinery Methods External components Environments Measurement system Quality partnership External
to play a crucial role in producing high quality human resources, in disseminating scientific discovery and advanced knowledge through teaching and educating future generations of citizens University Contribute to good governance (ethics, corruption) Accelerated by domestic, international collaboration
University Sustainable Role Sustainable education To overcome social, economic, cultural and environment problem that we faced (Unesco) Using partnership participation and assessment to improve academic quality of a higher education institution
The value of exchange is an experience of a lifetime, provides people with an unforgettable awareness and lifelong appreciation of each other. Exchange program, understood: Exchange “the academic quality”
Values Ideas Strategies Resources Values Ideas Strategies Resources XXXXXX Institution A Institution B Sharing can be A=B, A>B, B>A Colla-area
Collaboration can result in better management through i.e.: Building understanding of complex, cross problem through shared information Promote problem solving rather than procedural decision making Create the potential to achieve joint gains rather than minimally satisfying Collaboration Foster action by mobilizing shared resources (people, technology, funding, expertise, information, skills etc) to get work done Build relationship, understanding and foster trust
Those benefits are not always easy to achieve- typically responses are: difficult to devote sufficient time to collaboration in order to maximize the benefits hugely costly in time and effort Some other difficulties reflected the geographical context e.g. distances (transportation, availability of technology) Important is to has “genuine wish to collaborate” and to minimize non benefit factors by better master plan collaboration project, thus …..
Sustainable collaboration to improve academic quality To have an INSTITUTIONAL BASED COLLABORATION PROJECT Well practiced in EC: ERASMUS (within EU), ERASMUS “EWC” (EU and Asia) A good model to learn
Several partnerships have been carried out (on going) between Thai-Indo, the most is U-U Only covered/s few Universities in the collaboration
Institutional based mobility Develop A Competitive grant project (among ASEAN Countries) Develop A Competitive grant project (among ASEAN Countries) Institutional mobility based guidelines Call for proposal One HEI as applicant, creates collaboration (number of HEI and year, country, and subject involved depending on e.g. in guidelines) Mobility: management/leadership, academic/non academic staff, student (degree non degree)
International mobility – we now live in an internationally mobile and global world. What better time to prepare for this than as a University?