Central Emission System Federal Environmental Agency / Dep. I Emissionssituation Emission reporting: requirements, estimations and tools Dr. Kevin Hausmann
Central Emission System UBA M ai/Juni Action plan Several solutions (good practices ?) no hope ? generate « good » data launch inquiries collect new data more in-depth investigation, or search for new method start again hunt out confidential data external experts report (NIR) UNFCCC UNECE EC / EEA etc. Reviews spend long nights data treatment results OK ! Authority Engineers (experts !) Copyright: Jean-Pierre Fontelle
Central Emission System Requirements (a practical approach)
Central Emission System 1.Estimate emissions 2.Put the correct number into the right cell of the NFR templates 3.Describe calculation in IIR 4.Submit to UNECE/CLRTAP by 15 th of February (data) and 15 th of March (report)
Central Emission System
Submit to the EIONET Central Data Repository and Send notification form to CEIP and UNECE secretariat
Central Emission System Technical Requirements High number of values in many timeseries Extensive calculation scripts Complex reports and analysis Automatic data transfer with other software Concurrent users Recalculation, access control, documentation, data history, quality control Excel won‘t do
Central Emission System Estimation
Central Emission System Tier I: Simple method Tier II: Advanced method Tier III: Detailed method Guidebook
Central Emission System Tier I: Simple method AD x EF Pollutant = EM Pollutant 2000 [tons of steel] x 4.6 [g lead per t steel] = 9.2 [kg of lead]
Central Emission System Tier II: Advanced method AD Tech1 x EF Tech1, Pollutant = EM Tech1, Pollutant AD Tech2 x EF Tech2, Pollutant = EM Tech2, Pollutant … (TechX = Sinter, Pig Iron, Stellmaking etc.) Tier III: Detailed method Use facility data
Central Emission System What method (Tier I - III) do I choose? Use the decision tree in the Guidebook, most of the time key category sources require higher tiers!
Central Emission System
Finished? Wait! There is more: Projections Recalculation Uncertainties Spatial Mapping (aka Gridding) …
Central Emission System Tools
Central Emission System Excel/Access Collecter/Reporter – MESAP – Self-build solution
Central Emission System
Situation in Germany
Central Emission System Assessment, Aggre- gation and Analysis Activity data, Emissionfactors UNFCCC CRF Tables UNECE/ NFR Tables National Reports Energy Transport Industry Agriculture LULUCF Waste MESAP Information System Setup I DataHandlingAnalystCalQlator CES Database AD x EF Pollutant = EM Pollutant
Central Emission System Grid data Surrogate Data Gridding Tool MESAP CRF Reporter Setup II TREMODBEU Excel Reports CES Statistics, Associations etc.
Central Emission System Timeseries Multi-dimensional key (categorisation) Data DEmissionCO2PKWOK Gg 12'2589'9537' aREF Specific. 24'51426'48428'018 Area Data type Pollutant Material Technique