The objective of this written assignment is for you to 1) conduct thorough research on a sub-topic of the Holocaust; 2) present findings in a concisely written paragraph; and 3) as a class, present the findings in a “museum-like” exhibit. PROMPT: You are a museum intern for your town’s local museum. The head curator is creating new exhibit on the Holocaust. He has assigned you to write a one paragraph, descriptive analysis of a selected topic to be presented along with various images and artifacts. Your analysis should provide the audience with thorough information about the topic as well as analyze the significance of the event in relation to the Holocaust as a whole. PROJECT PROMPT
Topic Selection Due by end of period on Monday, November 14 th Topic Web Due by end of period on Tuesday, November 15 th Draft Outline (Mel-CON template) Due by end of period on Wednesday, November 16 th Image/Artifact Due by end of period on Wednesday, November 16 th Rough Draft Due electronically by 8am, Friday, November 18 th Peer Revisions Monday, November 21 st Final Paragraph Due electronically and hard-copy by 3pm, Wednesday, November 23 rd Works Cited/Bibliography Due electronically and hard-copy by 3pm, Wednesday, November 23 rd PROJECT REQUIREMENTS & DEADLINES
Students must adhere to all deadlines. Late work will receive a 5% deduction for each day it is late. LATE WORK POLICY
Students who are looking to acquire service learning hours can see Ms. Humes. The service learning component of this project would entitled arranging the images and paragraphs together in a “museum-like” exhibit outside of Room A-209. SERVICE LEARNING OPPORTUNITY
Nuremberg Laws Early Stages of Persecution First Concentration Camps Ghettos Mobile Killing Squads (Einsatzgruppen) Killing Centers Jewish Resistance Non-Jewish Resistance Death Marches Displaced Persons/Emigration Auschwitz Women in the Holocaust Postwar Trials Emigration Liberation of Nazi Camps Expansion of Concentration Camps Dachau Kristallnacht TOPICS
Be completing the daily task. If done, you are either: 1) working ahead, 2) quietly reading. No food or drink. They will be confiscated immediately. No cell phones, mp3 players, or iPods. They will be confiscated immediately. Horsing around, off-task behavior will not be tolerated. Be RESPECTFUL! I will be after-school each day during the project for students to use the computers. Please let me know ahead of time if you plan on staying after school. LIBRARY EXPECTATIONS