Native American Tribal Reflection
Reflection #1 (from a first-person perspective) Goals: #1 -- Bring your story to a "close".
#2 -- Based on what you have written in your journal, try to answer question such as: "what will life look/feel like, for both you and your tribe, for the next few years."
Things to Ponder: -- Are there any immediate threats to your tribes survival (scarcity of food, neighboring tribes, white settlers with foreign diseases)? -- What is the “tone” you have set with your journal (happy? sad? scared?)? The tone of your reflection should be closely related. -- How does the weather, geography or characteristics of your tribe relate to your tribe’s future? Things to Ponder: -- Are there any immediate threats to your tribes survival (scarcity of food, neighboring tribes, white settlers with foreign diseases)? -- What is the “tone” you have set with your journal (happy? sad? scared?)? The tone of your reflection should be closely related. -- How does the weather, geography or characteristics of your tribe relate to your tribe’s future? --
Examples: Samantha’s Journal: Eetsa is collecting corn for Nickommoh. I am so excited. There will be a huge feast and then we will go to the sweat lodges to cleanse ourselves. Toe-Ta was out hunting yesterday. He came back with deer, elk and turkey.
Reflection The busy season is over. We are safe and happy and prepared for winter. The tribe will survive the winter, for our medicine woman foretold it. And guess what?! She said that she will take me as an apprentice! She will teach me the arts of medicine and then, when she dies I shall become the next medicine woman! I will be relied upon by my tribe and will be able to foretell the Great Spirits will.
Reflection It is time for the summer season. Eetsa says that it is nearly time for my training as a medicine woman to begin. I am so excited! Soon I will be treating simple injuries. Then I will begin to do more complicated things. Slowly I will progress until I will be able to step in as medicine woman any time.
Prathik’s Journal: Yay! I can finally hunt! Those girls must be so jealous, all they get to do was clean huts, sew, process food, and cook. Uh oh, neighboring tribes were coming, dad told me to be calm and nice with them. Hi I said, they said hi. I asked if I could trade something and they asked what to trade. I said some fur for food. They agreed and I hurried back home.
Reflection: Based on what you just read, how might Prathik reflect?
Reflection #2 (as yourself): How did this project go? What did you enjoy about this project and what did you not enjoy? How do you think you did on this assignment? What grade might you give yourself (and why)?