Global Bridges: JPA Team Jeff Goldfarb Vice President Strategic Planning and Program Evaluation Sarah Dick Account Director Program Oversight Day-to-Day Contact Jennifer Glicoes Senior Account Executive Program Coordination Day-to-Day Contact Carrie Jones Principal, Managing Director Strategic Counsel Ken Deutsch Executive Vice President Digital Strategy Andrea Still Gray Account Director Digital Strategy Cara Fogarty Content Writer and Editor
JPA’s role for Global Bridges Develop and implement digital communication strategy Manage website content Plan content calendar and pipeline Support grantee contributions Train team members to share information online Organize and facilitate webinars Social media coaching 2Blogging Tips
Reaching health influencers, producing measurable results. JPA Health Communications for Global Bridges Blogging Tips March 2015
Blogs: What Are They? Somewhere between journalism and personal reflection - between news and OpEd Places to: Demonstrate expertise Highlight insight Connect with others Often feel more improvisational than other thought leadership opportunities Blogging Tips Objective Journalism Subjective Opinion Piece Thought Leadership Blog 4
Journalism vs OpEd: Strike a Balance Blogs thrive on opinion BUT must project gravitas Demonstrate environmental awareness Use references & linking The right tone: Knowing, helpful, authoritative Providing credible insight Starting (not end) a conversation Not exhaustive / answering all possible questions, like a news story Not under-documented or a throw- away opinion piece Blogging Tips5
Best (and Worst!) Practice Blogs That Work Well Are:Blogs That Alienate Readers: Short: If >400 words, divide into companion pieces Insightful: Add to wider conversation Scan-able: Break themes into chunks / paragraphs Timely: Fresh is best; within one week of breaking news Open for expansion: Open for update, revision, etc Connected: Include at least three related links Engaging: Invite discussion, don’t just make statements Long-winded : No central point / too many points Too angry : Vindictive, defensive, aggressive, petty Too promotional: make a pitch instead of comment on issue No clear ask : Unclear what readers should do Dead end: no further discussion possible Jargon-filled: inaccessible to informed outsiders Too stiff: no humor, self- awareness, informality 6Blogging Tips
Tips & tricks Remember to: Plan a catchy, SHORT title: consider phrasing as a question Include an intro paragraph Proofread and consider how to reduce copy / better organize content into paragraphs Provide an image to illustrate your post Include a call to action: What should readers do? Blogging Tips7