Created by: T. Truitt MS
What is the meaning of decision? The act of making up one’s mind. We are involved in decision making everyday and are often influenced by others in the choice that we make.
By influence (a power indirectly affecting a person or an action). By pressure (to force by overpowering influence or persuasion). By persuasive tactics (a strategy by which someone convinces someone else to do, think, or say something).
Choices (Do I want to eat chocolate or vanilla ice cream?)…chosen by what you like. Everyday decisions/Major decisions (Need to be chosen by looking at the outcomes and/or consequences).
On a clean sheet of paper, list 4 or 5 decisions that you make a week at Home… School… With Friends...
Describe the most difficult decision you have made recently. How did you go about making the decision and who or what influenced your final choice? What do you think is the best way of going about making important decisions?