Aminath Ismail (Aana) - Assist in monitoring the implementation of activities as per the Detailed Work Plans. - Processing of activity proposal of DFCs. - Prepare Programme Changes related to country activities when requested by MoH - Process government request for procurement of supplies & equipment
Important Points to be noted when preparing DFC Strategic Objective: SO Planning Element: OWER, RER, OSER, Product & Activity Product & Activity OSER : Exact title of the OSER as written in the work- plan Title of Activity: Exact title of specific activity written in the Work-Plan, & then the COMPONENT in parenthesis/brackets, i.e., (DFC)
Justification: should cover the related problem being addressed under “Country Issues & Challenges”, “Summary of Expected Contribution, Target, Baseline”, “Product”, “Activity” itself, back-ground information on activities undertaken in the past in relation to the problem, & justification for selected method, timing & level. Work Details: Briefly indicate details of the work such as for a workshop- objective/plenary/group exercise & presentation/lectures/field visits etc.
Time-Frame: Exact Dates - (No of days to be mentioned in the proposal). Venue : Place of organizing event Funds : a) Regular Budget ORb) Other Sources (specify) Per diem: - rate & no. of days for no. of locals/non- locals to be specified. - rate & no. of days for no. of local + non local resource persons to be specified.
Travel Cost: For sea transportation – 3 quotations required with the proposal. (over US$100.00) Stationery: State the list of items with cost. Printing/Copying: 3 quotations required with the proposal. (over US$ )
Hall hiring / banner / supportive equipment : 3 quotations required with the proposal. (over US$100.00) Refreshments: can be given once a day to participants/Resource persons/invitees of inauguration/closing ceremony (25% of normal per-diem rate per person) Contingency: Approximately less than 5% of the total funds for the activity Bank Details: A/c no. & Bank Address
Important General Conditions - 100% funds (full advances) will be released for one time activities of a short duration, or else payments will be made in installments. - A final/technical report should be submitted within 3 months of completion of the activity. - Final/technical report must include certification of expenditures and unspent balances in relation to the budget, signed & verified by the appropriate government officials. - Un-utilized funds remaining at the end of the activity must be returned to WHO within three months of completion of the activity.
Thank you