AfCS-Nature Molecule Pages: The NPG Perspective Timo Hannay Nature Publishing Group
Nature’s Editorial Team Barbara Marte, Senior Editor, Nature Bernd Pulverer, Editor, Nature Cell Biology Brenda Riley, Editor, Molecule Pages Julia Howlett, Editor, Molecule Pages Based at NPG’s headquarters in London
Peer-Review & Editorial Process Author AfCS Editorial, Durham NPG Editorial, London Editorial Board Reviewer(s) PUBLISH
Peer-Review Process All – or almost all – editorial tasks and interactions happen online Reviewers’ identities are not captured on the SDSC system and are known only to NPG staff NPG editors control reviewer-author exchanges, and make the final publishing decision Creation of this system was one of the most (of many) challenging phases in MP development
Online Peer-Review System
The Author Licence Before a Molecule Page can be published, authors are required to sign a licence agreement The licence gives NPG the right to: Publish the work Allow others to make use of it As for other NPG publications, copyright remains with the authors and they may reuse the content
Citing and Linking to the MPs Published, author-curated MPs are assigned a digital object identifier (e.g., doi: /mp.a ) DOIs are globally unique and persistent, and are the best method of citing in the online world New MP versions will be assigned new DOIs, so citations will always refer to the version cited Web links to MPs can be made future-proof by using the form
Molecule Page DOI and Citations Example citation: White, M. H-Ras. AfCS-Nature Molecule Pages (2004). (doi: /mp.a )
Using Digital Object Identifiers Nature 409, (2001) doi: / Allows unambiguous identification of paper Allows readers to find the paper online Allows publishers to cross-link reference lists Guaranteed not to change (even if the publisher changes) IDF/CrossRef databases Correct URL at publisher’s website
ISSN, PubMed and ISI The ISSN for the Molecule Pages is now confirmed by the British Library as The next step is to resume discussions about inclusion in PubMed We also intend to approach ISI about inclusion in the Science Citation Index All of these steps will help to confirm the AfCS- Nature Molecule Pages as a formal publication